Dr John Coxhead

  • Visiting Professor of Community Safety and Policing

John is a policing educationalist and twice winner of the Queen’s Award in Innovation in Police Learning and Development. He is also an Honorary Professor of Practice at Keele University, where he focuses on professional interdisciplinarity, building on heutagogical principles in a new application called Koinagogy which involves self-determined learning within a group format in areas such as safeguarding.

His primary research interests surround policing, particularly around enabling innovation and learning environments. He is the founder of the UK Innovation in Policing annual competition and is keen to create a 'Silicon Valley' centre for policing innovation and enterprise at Loughborough.

He also works as the policing research manager for the East Midlands Police Academic Collaboration, bringing policing practitioners closer to research opportunities and is a columnist with Police Professional, the UK's biggest selling policing publication.

John has conducted research sponsored by the Home Office concerning improving policing for Romany Gypsy, Irish Traveller and Roma communities, and published The Last Bastion of Racism: Gypsies, Travellers and policing, published by University College, London Press.

He has also worked with the Serious Organised Crime Agency and Europol as principal researcher on national problem profiling in serious organised crime and has contributed research to the Strategic Police Matters Unit (SPMU) within the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Pan European best practice in democratic, neighbourhood policing. 

In the past, John has also published on plural policing and private security and improving work-based performance through better learning transference. He is actively supporting current research around violence reduction, serious organised crime and taking a more health-based approach in policing.

  • Coxhead, J and Pease, K. (2021) Research for Police Professionals Modus Media Press: London

  • Coxhead, J. (2021) Problem Solving Research Review Police Professional Volume 673, February 2021 
  • Coxhead, J. (2020) How to build optimal policing teams: a review of the literature Police Professional, Volume 671 December 2020
  • Coxhead, J. (2019) A Literature Review of Research on Policing Ethics Police Professional Volume 659, December 2019 
  • Bishop, S and Coxhead, J. (2013) Prevention is Better than Cure: Reducing Youth Offending British Journal of School Nursing Volume 5 Number 3
  • Coxhead, J. (2012) ‘serious organised crime’ in Encyclopaedia of Transnational Crime and Justice, (Ed.) Margaret E. Beale Sage: London
  • Coxhead, J., (2006) The Last Bastion of Racism: Gypsies, Travellers and Policing University College London Press: London 
  • Coxhead, J. (2005) Moving Forward, 2005, Home Office: London  
  • Coxhead, J. (2005) ‘Have you tried talking to one?’ Race Equality Teaching, Volume 23, Number 3, 2005, Trentham 
  • Coxhead, J. (2004) ‘The Policeman and the Gypsy’ Policing Today Volume 10, Issue 2, 2004 
  • Coxhead, J. (2004)‘Theory and Practice: the thought of coming together’ Race Equality Teaching, Volume 22, Number 3, 2004, Trentham 
  • Coxhead, J(2001) The Pluralisation of Policing: The Police, Private Security and Public Consent, 2001, Lambard: London