探花精选 Research Forest (LURF)

Holywell Woods (8 ha) near the University is equipped for long-term forest monitoring.

After clearance during WWII, part of this woodland was planted in Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and part regenerated naturally to contain a mix of Silver Birch (Betula Pendula) and Oak (Quercus petrea/robur).

The research forest is an excellent facility for understanding the dynamics of UK forests in a changing world, including the future impacts of urban expansion and disease.

Eight permanent research plots each contain a HOBO Micro Station meteorological station that monitors air temperature and humidity, photosynthetically active radiation and soil temperature. Permanent soil collars are installed for the measurement of soil respiration, and a litter trap is located near to each soil collar so that variability in both litter fall and soil respiration can be monitored.

Litter Fall Measurements

A network of litter traps enables quantification of spatial variability of litter fall through the forest.

Soil Respiration

Soil respiration is measured with an SRS-SD2000 Intelligent portable system at the same sites as litter fall.

Undergraduate Teaching

LURF is also used for teaching classes in Forest Ecology and Environmental Monitoring.