Dr Jackie Goode

  • Visiting Fellow in Qualitative Research

Jackie Goode is a sociologist with a long association with the Department.  She first came to Loughborough in 1992 to work in PHIR, on a project researching Parliamentary selection for Westminster with Professors Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris. She joined the Social Sciences Department a year later and over the following 7 years worked on a variety of projects including on the sociology of food and eating with Teresa Keil and Alan Beardsworth; interdisciplinary projects with female colleagues including Barbara Bagilhole, investigating the operation of gender both at LU and within the ESRC application process; and the ‘Purse or Wallet?’ project, investigating intra-household income distribution within families reliant on welfare benefits with Professor Ruth Lister.

Following this, at King’s College London and at the University of Nottingham (including Professor David Greatbatch), she conducted ethnographic work on NHS Direct; the first year of a new Graduate-entry Medical Course; and the experiences of both international students and students with disabilities, before re-joining the Department in 2008 to work with colleagues in CRSP on projects investigating over-indebtedness in low-income families and men’s experiences of Money Advice services.

Between 2011 and 2014, she worked with academic colleagues at the universities of Nottingham and Sheffield as an Independent Research Consultant (on projects related to both the internationalisation of Higher Education and the use of mixed methods in Health Service research); and at Loughborough with Professors John Downey, David Deacon and James Stanyer on projects commissioned by the BBC as part of their Impartiality Reviews. Between 2015 and the present, she has worked on policing-related research with Karen Lumsden.

Her doctorate used her research in the areas of health, welfare and higher education as examples of Foucault’s ‘governmentality’ in practice.

Jackie specialises in qualitative research methods including in-depth interviews, ethnography, auto-ethnography and visual methods (e.g film) and her research invariably has a focus on gender.

She has published (in Sociological Research Online) on her experiences of being a long-term contract researcher. She has also conducted research and published on topics of personal interest, including popular collecting; fashion and ageing; and constructions of sociality in public spaces.

  • Edited by Goode, J., Lumsden, K. and Bradford, J. (forthcoming 2023)
  • Goode, J. (2020) Too Clever by Half. In J. Goode (Ed.) Clever Girls: autoethnographies of class, gender and ethnicity. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Goode, J. (2019) Europe in Fragments. International Review of Qualitative Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 2019, pp. 77–84.
  • Goode, J. (2018 online) Exhuming the good that men do: the play of the mnemonic imagination in the making of an autoethnographic text. Time & Society.
  • Goode, J. (2018) Being One’s Own Honoured Guest: Eating Out Alone as Gendered Sociality in Public Spaces. Sociological Research Online, pp1-14.
  • Goode, J. (2018) Fashioning the Sixties: fashion narratives of older women. Ageing & Society, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp 455-475.
  • Goode, J. (2007) Whose Collection Is It Anyway? An Autoethnographic Account of `Dividing the Spoils' upon Divorce. Cultural Sociology vol. 1 no. 3 365-382. Reproduced in P. Sikes (Ed.) Autoethnography, Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. Sage.
  • Goode, J. (2007) Telling Tales out of School: Connecting the Prose and the Passion in the Learning and Teaching of English. Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 13, Number 6, 808-820
  • Goode, J. (2006) Research Identities: reflections of a contract researcher. Sociological Research Online. Vol. 11, Issue 1.

Please email Jackie for publications on: Policing; fashion; the patient experience; low income families; NHS Direct, Higher education (the student experience); the sociology of food; popular collecting