James Cooper

Current student

Subject area
Psychology BSc

During Lockdown I developed an interest in Exercise Psychology and wanted a career change. I realised if I wanted to be a psychologist I needed to study for a degree.

The path I chose to gain access to Loughborough was an Access to higher education course in Science. As part of the course, I also studied 9 credits in Psychology.

The first year at university has taught me the foundations of Psychology. I hope to be able to apply my knowledge in the second and third years. By studying the foundations of sport and exercise psychology it has re-affirmed the choice I made to study sport and exercise psychology.

Being a Psychology student, I have found #Me very useful. It has given me some hands-on experience in dealing with mental health issues while being more aware of potential triggers and things that can negatively impact my mental health.

James Cooper

I have facilitated two courses with #Me during this academic year which involved facilitating meetings and helping others maintain their well-being, whilst looking after my own and developing my skills such as problem-solving, organisation and being consistent.

I then moved on to co-ordinate a 12-week course with #Me which gave me an opportunity to develop my management skills and problem-solving skills further.

I will continue working with #Me for the duration of my degree and hope to make the course more accessible to all. For those considering #Me, I highly recommend the course as an opportunity to develop your skills whilst also looking after your own mental well-being during, what can be, a very stressful time at University.

Progressing through the ranks of #Me has been a particular highlight for me. Also, being part of the A.U Futsal team was unexpected, and I really enjoyed my experience with the team.

I have had my eyes open to many of the extracurricular opportunities at Loughborough and taking part in a teacher’s innovation award with my lecturers - Hilary and David - has been a further opportunity to help me develop my skills in different areas such as organisation and communication.

After graduating I want to help the wider population form daily exercise habits to help them become the best versions of themselves. I am also considering studying for a PhD, investigating the use of exercise as a medicine.

The advice I would you give to someone considering studying this course is that reading is an essential part of your degree, and you should be comfortable with the idea that you will spend much of your degree reading. You only get the opportunity to study for a degree once so make the most of the fantastic resources available at 探花精选.

* #Me connects like-minded students and provides resources to improve self-awareness, promote a positive mindset and encourage sustainable, healthy habits so you're better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs. For more information, visit the .


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