Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc (Hons) degree

4 years full-time with placement year or 3 years full-time

Typical offer
ABB Entry requirements
Fees for 2025-26 (per academic year)
UK: 拢9,250
International: 拢29,750
UCAS codes
4 years full-time with placement year: F127
3 years full-time: F151
Start date
October 2025
Institute code
Subject area


Our BSc degree in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry is designed to equip you with the skills needed to work in the pharmaceutical industry and allied sectors with modules in drug synthesis and discovery alongside core chemistry.

The search for new drugs to combat cancer, heart disease, viruses and bacterial infections remains an important challenge at the forefront of medical research. Recent months have shown how vital the work of medicinal chemists is for our health and wellbeing. It also reminds us of the need for highly skilled graduates with a strong background in organic chemistry, coupled with a broad understanding of pharmacology and related biochemical areas.

If you have ever wondered how drugs and medicines are designed, made and why they work, or if you aspire to be part of the vital work of developing the medicines of the future, this course is for you.

Our Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc (Hons) degree has been designed to ensure our graduates have the skills needed to succeed in the pharmaceutical industry and allied sectors. The course offers you the opportunity to study chemistry as a major subject along with subjects linked to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. For instance, in year one you will develop a sound understanding of the core chemistry principles, while in year two you will deepen your knowledge of the principles of biological chemistry with an emphasis on topics which are relevant to the medical and pharmaceutical industry. The biological modules do not depend on having a background in biology.

In year three further advanced topics relevant to medicinal and biological chemistry are studied and two investigative projects are undertaken. You will also carry out an in-depth literature review of a key topic, leading to specialised knowledge in a particular field.

Across the duration of your undergraduate studies you will gain practical hands-on laboratory experience in our state-of-the-art STEMLab facilities. You have the opportunity to add further value to your time at Loughborough by spending a placement year in industry gaining highly sought-after workplace experience or by exploring options for study abroad. As a student of chemistry at Loughborough you will benefit from high levels of pastoral support, a peer-mentoring scheme, and the compelling insights of our renowned academic staff, many of whom are active in research with far-reaching impact.

What's the difference between MChem and BSc?

Both the Chemistry BSc (Hons) degree and the Chemistry MChem (Hons) degree are orientated towards the practice of chemistry in the world outside the University. Our 3 (or 4 year sandwich) BSc equips you for employment in chemistry, scientific and other sectors. The 4 (or 5 year sandwich) MChem is suited for students who may wish to pursue a PhD or a career in industrial research.

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Why you should choose us

Why you should study this course

Our academic and research staff are nationally and internationally recognised as experts in their chosen fields, but are also noted for the excellent pastoral care they provide to students through our personal tutoring system.

If you choose to study our Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry degree you will experience the facilities housed in our recently opened STEMLab, as well enjoying access to additional refurbished lab space in our Sir David Davies building. Plus, as a 探花精选 student you benefit from our peer mentoring scheme, supporting your transition into university life.

Lecturers from industry contribute to the teaching of our undergraduate courses and sponsor research projects, while the option of a placement year can provide a real boost to your employability. At Loughborough you'll be getting "hands on" in the lab while also growing the transferable skills looked for by employers.

Throughout your course you will be taught by academic staff who are engaged in wide-ranging research with real-world impact in such areas as health and medicine, crime and security, sustainability, and clean energy. 探花精选ing chemistry at Loughborough, you will become part of a friendly, supportive, and international community of scientists devoted to tackling today's global challenges.

Loughborough chemistry tour

Join some of our 探花精选 chemistry students for a tour of our outstanding facilities in STEMLab 鈥 as used by students on our undergraduate courses in chemistry.

Loughborough for me was one amazing rollercoaster ride. What I cherished the most about it, was the culture that Loughborough still has: to never give up, to keep practising and constantly improve.

Lemuel BSc Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry graduate

Professional recognition

Graduates from our BSc Honours courses are eligible for admission to AMRSC. Graduates from the MChem courses will be eligible for admission to Associate Membership of the Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC), and in addition will hold a degree accredited for the award of Chartered Chemist (CChem). This enables MChem graduates to register with the RSC for a two year Professional Development Programme leading to the award of CChem after just three years postgraduate experience.

What you'll study

Excited to learn more? For a taster of what you can expect to study on our Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc (Hons) degree, take a sneak preview of some of the modules you may have the opportunity to study below.

The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study. Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes 鈥 revised details will be published through ahead of each academic year. Please also see Terms and Conditions of 探花精选 for more information.

Semester 1 & 2


Laboratory and Computer Skills 1

The aims of the module are to:

Enable students to develop essential laboratory skills that are required in inorganic, organic, analytical and physical chemistry, and introduce students to fundamental software packages required for chemical report writing and data manipulation.

A part aim for this module is to enable students to become aware of and develop their academic, professional and personal skills through Personal Best. Personal Best is a development programme available to all students at 探花精选.

Semester 1


Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry

The aims of the module are to introduce mathematical concepts and introduce the fundamental concepts and applications of Thermodynamics and Kinetics.

Fundamental Synthetic Chemistry

The aims of the module are to introduce students to the fundamental principles underpinning core chemistry topics in inorganic, organic, analytical.

Semester 2


Spectroscopy and Analysis 1

The aim of this module is to introduce the principles and experimental methods of spectroscopy and analytical chemistry as a measurement science.

Energetics and Equilibria 1

The aim of this module is to introduce concepts in thermodynamics, redox and phase equilibria, and to introduce their applications to the understanding of chemical and physical change, and in chemical analysis.

Structure and Reactivity 1

The aim of this module is to introduce the fundamental concepts of structure and how this influences reactivity in organic and inorganic chemistry.

Semester 1 & 2


Laboratory and Skills 2 (MPC)

The aims of this module are to further develop those essential laboratory skills from part A that are required in organic, inorganic, analytical chemistry and biological chemistry.

Semester 1


Structural Characterisation, Spectroscopy and Analysis

The aim of this module is to familiarise students with the theory and applications of analytical separation and structural elucidation techniques, and to develop their analytical data manipulation skills.

Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Quanta

The aim of this module is to familiarise students with a variety of modern Physical Chemistry topics and to teach the skills for solving the associated mathematical problems effectively.

Semester 2


Structure and Reactivity 2

The aim of this module is to introduce the major types of chemical reactions in organic and inorganic chemistry, and the relationships between chemical structure, reactivity and behaviour of organic and inorganic compounds.

Principles of Biological Chemistry MPC Option

The aims of this module are to introduce the functions of the major organs of the body, cell structure and biochemical pathways, the chemical basis of metabolism, and the design of drugs and their associated actions.

Semester 1 & 2


Investigative Projects for Medicinal Chemists

The aims of this module are to develop research skills through critical assessment of scientific literature and introduction to methods and procedures for undertaking investigative research work in medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Semester 1


Modern Aspects of Organic Chemistry

The aim of this module is to review modern methods of organic synthesis and introduce advanced NMR techniques.

Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism

The aim of this module is for the student to understand the principles behind how drugs are rationally designed and screened, and how drug compounds are absorbed, distributed, metabolised and excreted (ADME) within the body. This includes analogue synthesis and use of natural compounds as drug candidates.

Science Communication

The aims of the module are:

  • to develop a chemistry related educational outreach activity
  • to develop confidence and competence in communicating their subject to audiences with different levels of ability and experience
  • to provide opportunities to devise and develop science projects, and teaching methods, appropriate to the age and ability of those the student is working with
  • to develop the student's ability to present science through oral and poster presentations

Semester 2


Current Trends in Inorganic Chemistry

The aims of this module are for the student to be aware of some major issues and techniques currently at the frontiers of inorganic chemistry.

Energy, Molecules and Applications

The aims of this module are to introduce the student to advanced concepts in physical chemistry, and their application in electrochemistry, photochemistry, computational methods and the properties of materials.

How you'll study

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Independent study
  • Group work
  • Supervision
  • Workshops
  • Laboratory work
  • Practical sessions

How you'll be assessed

You are assessed by examination and coursework. Depending on the module, coursework may include written laboratory reports, oral presentations, poster presentations, research papers, peer review and dissertations.

Your BSc degree classification will be determined by the weighted average of marks obtained in Years 2 and 3 in the ratio 40:60.

Placement year

Spending time working in industry, applying knowledge to real problems, learning through practical experience and gaining valuable career insights should provide you with a considerable advantage in your search for graduate employment.

Your placement is spent at one or more organisations over 45 weeks, enabling you to get firsthand experience of a real role with real responsibilities. You will you be able to apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in a workplace setting while developing the competencies that are highly prized by graduate recruiters. A year in industry also gives you the opportunity to grow your network of contacts, attend training courses, impress an employer and in some instances secure a graduate job. If you are still unsure what you want to do when you leave university, a placement enables you to "test-drive" a career and find out if a professional area is right for you.

Additional award

By undertaking a year on professional placement or working in industry, you will gain an additional award alongside your final qualification. If you undertake a professional placement year you will gain a Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS) or if you complete a year in industry you will gain a Diploma in Industrial Studies (DIS).

Featured placement year companies

Our students have been able to secure employability-enhancing placements with a wide variety of organisations.

At Loughborough we have robust, long-standing links with the chemical, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. Our students have been able to spend a year working with major companies such as AstraZeneca, BioFocus, GlaxoSmithKline, 3M Healthcare, Lubrizol, RB (Reckitt-Benckiser), Nemaura Pharma, Pirelli Tyres, GE Healthcare, and the Home Office.

Student placement - a unique opportunity

More than 1,400 探花精选 students complete a 12-month placement each year. They join a range of organisations and deliver tangible benefits to their hosts as well as honing a range of workplace skills.

探花精选 abroad

If you are interested in travelling whilst you study, there are placement opportunities in other countries too, as well as options to spend from 3-12 months at an overseas university.

By choosing this course you’ll have the option to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, giving you the chance to not only experience new cultures and visit new and exciting destinations, but to expand your learning experience.

探花精选 actively encourages students to gain an international experience. Students can do this through a study exchange or through a work placement outside of the UK. In both cases the opportunity to gain insight into another culture, broaden experience and develop both intellectual and personal maturity, is invaluable.


Additional award

This course comes with the option to study abroad for a year, at the end of which you will gain a Diploma in International Studies (DIntS). This is an additional award to the final qualification you will receive once you have successfully completed this course.

Where you'll study

For Chemistry students, STEMLab provides three state-of-the-art laboratories designed to allow students to gain extensive practical experience of modern chemistry. Chemistry research laboratories in the Sir David Davies Building adjacent to STEMLab were also recently refurbished to provide further modern research facilities for students and researchers.

Synthesis lab

The synthetic chemistry teaching laboratory, located within the STEMLab building, has 36 fume hoods available for undergraduate teaching.  You are able to use a wide variety of equipment including stirrer hotplates and the use of a laboratory microwave reactor, then use rotary evaporators to remove the solvent.  Characterisation of the material is carried out in a separate suite, attached to the main lab.  There is a selection of instrumentation available including 2 benchtop NMR spectrometers capable of processing proton, carbon and fluorine nuclei experiments, 4 InfraRed spectrometers and 4 UV/vis spectrophotometers, as well as 2 magnetic susceptibility balances, an HPLC instrument and several conductivity probes.  The lab is run by a technical team who specialise in synthetic chemistry and support the students with their practical work throughout their time in the laboratories.

Bioscience and Bioengineering lab

For biological-related modules within our Chemistry programmes, we have access to state-of-the-art biological laboratories to provide our students with an opportunity to explore several different aspects of biology, such as biochemistry, pharmacology and microbiology.  We also have access to a specialist tissue culture laboratory which has ten Biological Safety Cabinets where cell work can be introduced to our students. Specialist equipment includes, plate readers which allow us to carry out a range of industry-standard biological assays, such as ELISA and DNA quantification, molecular biology equipment such as thermocyclers and gel electrophoresis equipment, Chemidoc visualiser, microscopes, a flow cytometer and several UV spectrometers. 

Physical/Analytical Lab

The Physical & Analytical Chemistry teaching laboratory is primarily focused on measurement-based experiments concerning either the study of chemical processes or the quantitative/qualitative determination of unknown analytical samples. The room is equipped with 7 fume cupboards for the handling of hazardous substances, and also features a room-wide audiovisual system for the delivery of electronic teaching materials. The range of up-to-date scientific instrumentation and apparatus available to students includes the following items: fluorescence spectrometers; UV-visible & infra red absorption spectrophotometers; microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer; electrospray mass spectrometer; quadrupole mass spectrometer with gas chromatograph; liquid chromatographs with UV absorbance and refractive index detectors; gas chromatographs with flame ionisation detectors; precision analytical balances; pH and conductivity meters.


Entry requirements

To learn more about the qualifications we typically accept, please select your country from the drop-down menu below.

General entry requirements

The entry requirements for each course should be read alongside the University鈥檚 general entry requirements which give further details on acceptable subjects, alternative UK and international qualifications and minimum English language requirements.

General entry requirements

Contextual admissions

The University鈥檚 admissions process uses contextual information to provide insights into the context in which your academic qualifications have been achieved. This may influence the typical offers listed below.

Contextual admissions

United Kingdom

Typical A level offer

ABB including Chemistry and preferably one other Science or Maths

Typical IB offer

34 (6,5,5 HL) including HL Chemistry and preferably one other science or Maths at HL

Typical BTEC offer

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science: DDM to include optional modules 13, 14, 18 and 19

BTEC Level 3 National Diploma Grades Distinction Distinction plus A Level Chemistry Grade B

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate Grade Distinction plus A Level Grades BB including Chemistry


GCSE Maths & English Language grade 4/C

Reduced contextual offer

Meeting specific eligibility criteria guarantees that if you are made an offer, it will be reduced by up to two grades. Find out more about Access Loughborough Contextual Offers.


T Level

Distinction Overall
B in Core Component

T Level in Health and Science with Science Pathway and Laboratory Sciences Occupational Specialism is considered.
Other relevant T Level subjects may be considered on a case by case basis.

Preferred subjects

Preferred BTEC subjects include Applied Science


Applicants are selected on the basis of their UCAS application, but in some cases, an interview may be required. If applicants are considered for an offer of a place, they will be invited to visit the department giving them the opportunity to meet staff and students, see facilities and get an insight into what it is like to be a student at Loughborough.

Many of our courses receive a large number of applications for each available place.  We cannot unfortunately always make offers to all applicants who are predicted to achieve/have achieved grades in line with our advertised typical offers.


Typical offers for students from Australia are based on the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). Typically, we would require a score between 85.00 and 94.00. For students from Queensland, requirements from the Overall Position (OP) would typically be between 8 and 4.

Further to the above, students would normally be required to pass one of the following qualifications:

  • ACT Year 12 Certificate
  • New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC)
  • Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)
  • Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
  • South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
  • Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

Where courses have specific subject requirements, these will be expected to be studied within one of the above qualifications. Grades of ‘B’ (ACT, NTCE, SACE, VCE, WACE), ‘4’ (HSC), ‘CA’ (TCE), ‘HA’ (QCE) or higher will normally be required.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the for further details.


For students taking the Austrian Reifeprüfung (Matura), we typically require an average score between 2.2 and 1.2 from 6 written or spoken exams. Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of or 1 will normally be required in each.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  for further details.


Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya amma (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s 


Students taking the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


The Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS) and Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (DSO) are both acceptable qualifications for direct entry into first year undergraduate courses. We typically require an overall score ranging from 75% to 85%. Where the 20 point marking scale is used, we would typically require marks between 15/20 and 17/20.

Specific subject marks may be required for some courses and where this is the case, this should be studied as a 4-hour subject. Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 50% or higher in Maths within the CESS or DSO.

Students currently studying the Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for further details.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students taking the Brazilian High School Certificate(Certificado de Ensino Médio and Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – ENEM) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year. 

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement Team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s . 


Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, we would typically ask for an overall score ranging from 5.3 6.0 overall with specific subject marks required for some courses.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 4.5 or higher in Maths within the Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Typical offers for students from Canada are based on having completed Grade 12. The information below outlines the requirements for different states:

Alberta, Northwest Territory, Nunavut

  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 5 grade 12 courses in the General High School Diploma and offers typically range from 80% - 93%.
  • Where courses require specific subjects, these should be taken as thirty-level courses. Where A Level Maths is a course requirement, both Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 30-2 should be completed.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.

British Columbia, Yukon Territory

  • Typical offers range from ‘BBBBBB’ – ‘AAAAAA’ from best 6 grade 12 subjects in the Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma.
  • Where courses require specific subjects these would normally need to be achieved at ‘A’ or ‘B’.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of ‘C’ or higher in grade 10 Maths.


  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 5 subjects at 300 level in the High School Graduation Diploma and offers typically range from 80% - 93% with specific subject marks required for some courses.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.

New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan

  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 5 grade 12 subjects in the High School Graduation Diploma and offers typically range from 80% - 93% with specific subject marks required for some courses. Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.

Newfoundland & Labrador

  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 5 university preparatory level subjects in the High School Graduation Diploma and offers typically range from 80% - 93% with specific subject marks required for some courses.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.

Nova Scotia

  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 5 subjects at level 4 or 5 in the High School Completion Certificate and offers typically range from 80% - 93% with specific subject marks required for some courses.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.


  • Typical offers are based on an average of best 6 grade 12 courses at ‘4U’, ‘4M’ or ‘DU’ in the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and offers typically range from 80% - 93% with specific subject marks required for some courses.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 10 Maths.


  • Typical offers range from 80% - 93% overall in the Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales with specific subject marks of 80% - 96% required for some courses.
  • Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 60% or higher in grade 11 Maths. 

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students taking the Senior Middle Examinations will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year. 

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

We will also accept a first year of study at a recognised university of appropriate standing within China as acceptable for entry to the first year of some of our degree courses. We would typically require an overall average ranging from 75% to 80% with specific subject marks required for some courses. Please contact the Global Engagement team who can advise on acceptability for entry to Loughborough courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Croatian Matura (Svjedod啪ba o Maturi), we typically require an average score between 4.0 and 5.0.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of 4 or 5 will normally be required in each. For courses that require Maths as part of their A Level offer, this should be taken at extended level in the Matura.

All students must also achieve the University’s English language requirements.


The Apolytirion is not accepted for direct entry to the University when studied on its own. However, we are happy to consider students taking the Apolytirion alongside either 1 or 2 A Levels. For courses with typical offer requirements of ‘ABB’, we would typically require 19.5 in the Apolytirion alongside an ‘A’ at A Level or 18.0 in the Apolytirion alongside ‘AB’ at A Level. Where courses require specific subjects, these must be taken at A Level.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 17 or higher in Maths within the Apolytirion.

Students taking the Apolytirion without additional A Levels will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year. 探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

Czech Republic

For students taking the Czech Maturita (Vysv臎d膷ení o Maturitní Zkoušce), we typically require an average ranging from 2.00 to 1.00 from best 4 subjects with specific subject marks (either 1 or 2) required for some courses.

All applicants must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Bevis for Studentereksamen (STX), typical offers range from 8.0 to 10.5 in the weighted average mark from the STX. Some courses may require marks (either 10 or 12) in specific Level A subjects.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 7 or higher in Level C Maths with the STX.

Students who have taken the Studentereksamen under the old grading system would be considered on a case by case basis with an average between 9.0 and 11.0 normally required.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students who have studied the Thanaweya A’ama (Certificate of General Secondary Education) will need complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the  Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus, we typically require a high average grade between 4.3 and 4.8 in the Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus as well as an average percentage between 77% and 90% in the Riigieksamitunnistus.

Specific subject marks may be required for some courses. For Engineering and Science courses, we would expect students to have studied Lai Matemaatika.

Students with a score of 4.0 with 70% average from state exams would be considered on a case by case basis for the 探花精选 Foundation Year

All students must also achieve the University’s .

European Baccalaureate

For students taking the European Baccalaureate, we typically require an overall average mark between 78% and 88% with specific subject marks (normally 8.0 or higher from a 4 or 5 period subject) required for some courses.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 6.5 or higher in Maths 3.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details. When applying, please state whether you are taking English as Language 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Faroe Islands

Students taking the Studentsprógv would normally be required to achieve a score between 8.0 and 10.5 with specific subject marks (either 10 or 12) required for some courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen, typical offer requirements would normally be based on achievement in best 4 subjects. Offers will typically be expressed as four letter grades ranging from MMMM (achieve Magna cum laude approbatur or higher in four subjects) to LEEE (achieve Eximia cum laude approbatur or higher in four subjects with at least one subject at Laudatur).

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 7 or higher in Maths within the Lukion Päästötodistus

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the new French Baccalauréat Général (assessed from 2021 onwards), we typically require an overall result between 13.0 – 15.5 with results of 14-15 in two speciality subjects. Specific speciality subjects are required for some courses.

Students following the Option Internationale (OIB) will often receive a slightly lower offer.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 10 or higher in Mathematics taken in Year 12 as a Speciality Subject (Première) or a score of 11 or higher in Additional Maths taken as an Option in Year 13 (Terminale).

Students taking the Baccalauréat Technologique will be considered for first year entry on a case by case basis where subjects studied are relevant to the university course applied for.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the English Language page for further details.


Students taking the Abitur typically require an overall score ranging from 1.3 - 2.0 with specific subject marks required for some courses (normally between 12and 15).

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 7 or higher in Maths within the Abitur.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the on the page for further details.


Students taking the WASSCE will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Greek Apolyterion are normally required to also take the Panhellenic Exams. Typical offers are based on the General Access Grade in the Panhellenics and range from 16.5 to 19.0 depending on the course applied for. Where courses have specific subject requirements, these should be taken as ‘Direction’ subjects within the Panhellenics. Students applying for Science or Engineering courses would generally be expected to have followed the Sciences direction. We will also normally ask for a mark between 17.0 and 19.0 in the Apolyterion certificate.

Students who have studied 1 or 2 A Levels alongside the Apolyterion (without taking the Panhellenic Exams) would normally be required to obtain high grades in their A Level  exams along with an average mark of between 17.0 and 19.0 in the Apolyterion. Where courses have specific subject requirements, these should be taken as A Levels.

Students taking a Foundation course alongside the Apolyterion will be considered on a case by case basis.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

Hong Kong

Typical offers for students taking the HKDSE  vary by course and range from ‘5, 4, 4’ – ‘5*, 5, 5’ from best 3 subjects, of which 2 must be electives and excluding Liberal Studies and Chinese. Where courses require specific subjects, we would be looking for grades between ‘4’ and ‘5*’ in these subjects.

For courses that require Maths as part of their A Level offer, this should be taken at extended level in the HKDSE. Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of ‘3’ or higher in core Maths.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


For students taking the Hungarian Matura (Érettségi Bizonyítvány), we typically require an average ranging from 70% to 83% from best 5 subjects which must include at least 2 higher level exams.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of between 70% and 90% would normally be required in a higher level exam.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Stúdentspróf, we typically require an overall grade between 8.0 and 9.3 with specific subject marks (between 8 and 10) required for some courses.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Typical offers are based on the Standard XII school leaving qualifications. When awarded by CBSE, ISCE or West Bengal Exam Boards, we typically ask for results in the region of 78% - 88% average performance from best 4 subjects. For other state boards, we would be looking for achievement between 83% - 93% from best 4 subjects. Specific subject marks at Standard X or Standard XII may be required for some courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the undergraduate prospectus for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the English Language page for further details.


Students who have studied the Ijazah: Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA) will need complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students who have taken the Leaving Certificate under the new grading system (post 2016) would normally be required to achieve 5 higher level passes with grades ranging from H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 to H1 H1 H2 H2 H2. Where courses have specific A Level subject requirements, these should be taken at higher level.

If you have taken the Leaving Certificate under the old grading system (pre-2016) our typical offers would be between B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 and A1 A1 A2 A2 A2.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


For students taking the Bagrut, we would require students to have studied at least 21 study units. Typical offers will be based on average percentage from 3 best 5-unit level subjects with requirements ranging from 78% to 92% depending on the course. Please note that we do not use the Optimal Average and do not consider bonus points as part of our offers.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, we would expect these to be studied as a 5-unit subject and look for achievement between 80% and 95%.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Diploma di Esamo di Stato, we typically require an overall score ranging from 85% - 98% overall. Where courses require specific subjects, we would be looking for marks between 8 and 10 in school assessment.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 6 or higher in school assessment for Maths.

Students taking the Diploma di Istituto Tecnico will be considered for first year entry on a case by case basis where subjects studied are relevant to the course for which they have applied.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

We will also accept a first year of study at a recognised university of appropriate standing within Japan as acceptable for entry to the first year of some of our degree courses. We would typically require an overall average ranging from 75% to 80% with specific subject marks required for some courses. Please contact the Global Engagement team who can advise on acceptability for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

Students must also achieve the University’s .


Typical offers for students from Kazakhstan are based on the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate. Typically, we would require a score between AAA and BBB from Advanced level subjects.  Where courses  have specific subject requirements, these will be expected to be studied at Advanced level.

English language studied within the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate is not sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


Students taking the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya amma (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Atest膩ts par Visp膩r膿jo Vid膿jo Izgl墨t墨bu, we typically require a high average grade between 9.2 and 10.0 as well as an average between 87% and 95% from best 4 state exams.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score between 87% and 95% will normally be requested in state exams in these subjects.

Students with a score of 8.0 with 80% average from best 4 state exams would be considered on a case by case basis for the

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Baccalauréat Général will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

Students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Brandos Atestatas, typical offers generally range from 9.0 – 10.0 overall. We would also typically ask for an average percentage from the best 3 state exams between 80% and 94%. Where courses require specific subjects, we would typically require these to be taken as state exams.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 7 or higher in school assessment for Maths.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking either the Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) or the Sigjil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysian (STPM), we would typically require grades ranging from AAA-BBB from best 3 (core) subjects excluding general studies.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a grade C or higher in SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) Maths.

For students taking the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) we would typically require from the best 7 subjects grades ranging 2xA1 5xA2 to 7xB3 in the UEC-SML. Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a grade B6 or higher in Maths.

  • Students taking the MARA Diploma will be considered for first year entry on a case by case basis.                                                                                                                             
  • Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


For students taking the Advanced Matriculation Exam, typical offers would normally be based on achievement in 2 advanced level subjects (typically between BB and AA) and 3 intermediate level subjects excluding Systems of Knowledge (typically between BCC and AAA).

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of B or A will normally be required in an Advanced Level subject. Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we normally look for a score of 4 or higher in Maths within the Secondary Education Certificate (SEC).

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


For students taking the Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)., typical offers range from 6.6 to 7.4 average from the VWO with specific subject marks (between and 9) required for some courses.

Students applying for Science or Engineering courses would generally be expected to have followed the Natuur en Techniek stream within the VWO and have taken the Maths D course.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 5 or higher in Maths within the VWO.

Students taking the Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO Level 4) certificate will be considered for first year entry on a case by case basis where subjects studied are relevant to the university course applied for. Please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for further details.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.

New Zealand

For students taking the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 typical offers will be based on overall achievement in the NCEA plus a required number of credits achieved at the next level up. For example, where A Level requirements are ABB, we would normally require a Merit overall with 20 Level 3 credits achieved at Excellence.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, these should be studied at Level 3 within the NCEA. Typically, an overall achievement of Merit or Excellence will be required in these subjects.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students taking the WASSCE will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


For students taking the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplæring, typical offers range from 4.00 to 5.25 average of all Final Assessment Grades.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, students will need to achieve a or higher in at least two 140-hour courses.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the  page for further details.


Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya amma (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Intermediate/Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the new Matura typical offers are based on average achievement from 3 extended level exams and offers normally range from 75% - 85%. Where courses require specific subjects, these should be taken as extended level exams and we would normally look for marks between 75% and 90%.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 68% or higher in the compulsory standard level Maths.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Diploma de Ensino Secundário would normally be required to achieve a score between 16 and 18 with specific subject marks (between 17 and 19) required for some courses.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we normally look for a score of 14 or higher in Maths within the Diploma de Ensino Secundário.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (Senior School Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Diploma de Bacalaureat, typical offers range from 8.6 – 9.4 overall. Where courses require a specific subject, we would be looking for this to be studied as the optional subject within the Diploma de Bacalaureat with marks between 8.6 and 9.8.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 7 or higher in Grade 10 Maths from the ‘Foaie Matricola’ or 6.5 or higher in Maths from the Diploma de Bacalaureat.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students taking the Certificate of Unified State Examination will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the undergraduate prospectus for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

Saudi Arabia

Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students with Singapore A Levels, typical offers normally range from BBC to AAA from three H2 Level subjects and offers are typically one grade lower than the typical A Level requirement as stated in the  due to the comparative difficulty.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade would normally be required in line with UK A Level requirements.

Students with a Diploma from one of Singapore’s five Polytechnics would be considered for first year entry with requirements ranging from 2.50 to 3.10. Second year entry may be considered in some cases. Please contact the Global Engagement team to check if this is applicable.

For IB requirements please see the .

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


For students taking the Slovakian Matura (Vysved膷enie o maturitnej skúške), typical offers range from 2.00 to 1.00 average from best 4 subjects with specific subject marks (either 1 or 2) required for some courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Maturitetno Spri膷evalo., we typically require an overall total score of between 22 and 30 out of 34.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of or 5 will normally be required in each. Applicants for Science or Engineering courses would normally be required to take Maths at higher level and would be required to achieve a mark of between 6 and 8.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

South Africa

For students taking the National Senior Certificate (NSC), typical offers range from 6,6,6,6,6 to 7,7,7,7,7 from the best 5 subjects, excluding Life Orientation.
Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of or would normally be required.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.

South Korea

Students taking the High School Diploma will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Titulo de Bachillerato, we typically require an overall score of 7.50 – 9.50.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, a score of 8.00 or 9.00 will normally be required in each.  Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 5.50 – 6.50 within the Titulo de Bachillerato.

All students must also achieve the University’s English language requirements.

Sri Lanka

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

Sri Lankan A Levels are considered comparable to the typical A Level requirements. However, as an A* grade cannot be achieved in Sri Lankan A Levels, an A grade is acceptable to meet this requirement where applicable.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students tasking the Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola, typical offers are normally based on an average score from 2500 credits with an ‘A’ counting as 20 points, a ‘B’ counting as 17.5 points, a ‘C’ counting as 15 points etc. Typical offers range from 16.0 to 18.8 average from 2500 credits.

Where courses have specific subject requirements, an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade would normally be required from 2 relevant subject modules within the Slutbetyg.

Students who took the Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola under the old grading system are considered on a case by case basis with most courses requiring a majority of ‘VG’ and ‘MVG’ grades.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


Students taking the following qualifications would be considered for direct entry to undergraduate courses: Certificat de MaturitéMaturitätsausweisAttestato di Maturità. Typical offer requirements are based on average achievement from best 12 subjects and offers typically range from 4.8 – 5.5. Where courses require specific subjects, we would be looking for marks between 5.0 and 6.0 in school assessment.

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of 4.0 or higher in school assessment for Maths.

English language studied within one of the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


Students taking the Senior High School Diploma will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Alternatively, Junior College Diploma holders may be considered on a case by case basis for entry to undergraduate courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


The Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) is acceptable for entry into the first year of undergraduate courses. Typical offers are the same as for UK A Levels as stated in the .

For courses which require achievement in GCSE Maths, we normally look for a score of C or higher in Maths in the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE).

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


Students taking the Certificate of Secondary Education/Maw 6 will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

The Caribbean

For students taking the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), we typically require a range from ‘2, 2, 2’ -  ‘1, 1, 1’ achieved from three 2-unit exams with specific subject marks of ‘1’ or ‘2’ required by some courses

Where courses require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of ‘3’ or higher in Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Maths.

Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

English language studied within the above qualification is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.

The Gulf

Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya amma (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


For students taking the Anadolu Lisesi (Anatolian High School Diploma) or Fen Lisesi (Science High School Diploma), will typically require a pass mark of higher than 80%,

Students taking the Lise Bitirme Diplomasi, will be considered for first year entry on a case by case basis.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) is also acceptable with grades equivalent to the typical A Level offer requirements.

English language studied within the above qualifications is normally sufficient to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Please see the for further details.


Students taking the Atestat pro Povnu Zagal'nu Sersdniu Osvitu/Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

We will also accept a first year of study at a recognised university of appropriate standing within Ukraine as acceptable for entry to the first year of some of our degree courses. We would typically require an overall average with specific subject marks required for some courses. Please contact the Global Engagement team who can advise on acceptability for entry to Loughborough courses.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

United Arab Emirates

Students who have studied the Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya amma (General Secondary Education Certificate) will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements. Requirements for American SATs and APs can be found under the country requirements for the USA.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

United States of America

For students studying in the USA, typical offers for entry onto undergraduate level courses are based on obtaining 3.2/4.0 GPA in the High School Graduation Diploma, in addition to a combination of any three of the following:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Exam
  • IB Higher Levels
  • College level class credit (should normally be taken in Grade 12 for one semester, and be equivalent to 3 credits/units in an academic subject)
  • Honors classes (should be taken for a full academic year in either Grade 11 or Grade 12)

Where courses have a specific A Level subject requirement this must be achieved in the relevant AP exam or IB Higher Level. Where AP is used to meet an A Level Maths subject requirement AP Calculus BC would be required.


A level Grade AP Exam Honors or College Class
A* 5 A+
A 5 A / A-
B 4 B+ / B
C 3 B-

For programmes that require achievement in GCSE Maths, we would normally look for a score of ‘570’ or higher in SAT I Math or ACT with a minimum score of 27 overall and 26 in each component.

To satisfy English language requirements we consider a range of qualifications. Please see the Approved Qualifications table on the English Language page for further details


Students who have studied the B岷眓g T峄憈 Nghi峄噋 Ph峄 Thông Trung H峄峜  will need to complete an appropriate Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s .


Students who have studied the General Certificate of Education will need to complete a suitable Foundation Year.

探花精选 offers a  through ONCAMPUS. You can view the entry requirements for this on the . Alternatively, please contact our Global Engagement team to check if the Foundation Programme that you are considering taking is acceptable for entry to Loughborough courses.

Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses. Please see the  for specific course requirements.

All students must also achieve the University’s 


Students with A Level or IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry to undergraduate degree courses.

Please see the  for specific course requirements.

Zimbabwe A Levels are considered comparable to the typical A Level requirements. However, as an A* grade cannot be achieved in Zimbabwe A Levels, an A grade is acceptable to meet this requirement where applicable.  Typical offers for students taking the Zimbabwe A levels exclude the General Paper.

All students must also achieve the University’s .

Tuition fees for 2025 entry

UK fees

Full-time course per annum
Placement year
Approx. 20% of the full-time fee

International fees

Full-time course per annum
Placement year
Approx. 20% of the full-time fee

Fees are reviewed annually and are likely to increase to take into account inflationary pressures.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, IT equipment and other support services. University fees and charges can be paid in advance and there are several methods of payment, including online payments and payment by instalment.

Additional costs

This course doesn’t cover the cost of stationary, printing, books or re-assessments which you might need. Protective clothing (lab coat and safety glasses) is provided.

Your future career

Average starting salary (of those in full-time graduate-level employment or self-employment, UK only)


2022 Graduate Outcomes

To study chemistry is to study the so-called "central science" and to gain a rich understanding of the world around us. It is no wonder that the opportunities to apply chemical knowledge exist in so many sectors and beyond the laboratory.

The chemistry coverage of this course and its emphasis on transferable skills will allow you to pursue careers in all areas of chemical science as well as non-chemistry careers such as teaching, management and accountancy.

Loughborough's Department of Chemistry has excellent industry connections and a strong track record in graduate employability. Our emphasis on hands-on laboratory experience is combined with opportunities to develop a wide range of transferable skills, equipping you with the skill set you need to stand out in the competitive market for graduate jobs.

Career support services

Your time at 探花精选 will form a launchpad from which you can build an exciting career. With so many opportunities available, you鈥檒l never be short of ways to improve your employability.

Our award-winning Careers Network team is here to help and support you, offering everything from CV workshops, one-to-one advice sessions and mock interview practice sessions to high-profile employer events. We鈥檝e got everything you need for a really successful future.

Companies students have worked for after graduating

Our Chemistry graduates have gone on to pursue a diverse array of exciting and rewarding careers with a wide range of employers. Graduates have also gone onto further study and research, including at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

2018 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry graduates have been able to pursue rewarding careers with organisations including Astra Zeneca, GSK and Throgmorton. Example job titles have included Laboratory Analyst, Chemical Technician and Chemist.

Here are some of the organisations our graduates have gone on to work for in recent years:

  • British Sugar
  • Boots
  • Erigal Limited
  • GSK
  • Mondelez International
  • Safapac
  • Superdrug
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • M & A Pharmachem
  • Charles River Laboratories

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