Talks and workshops

Date: by agreement

The team can deliver a range of sessions to groups in identified schools and colleges. This might be to class groups, the whole year group in assembly, or to parents and guardians during a careers event. Talks are approximately 20 minutes in duration but can be flexible around your schools’ needs.

The team can also deliver the sessions online or send you a recorded talk to be used on demand.

Please email us to discuss your needs and agree a date.

Year 7 - What is Higher Education?

This session introduces students to what Higher Education is, the benefits of attending and how it differs from school. Students are encouraged to think about what they would enjoy about university and how it fits into their futures.

Year 8 and 9 - GCSE Options Assembly

This session discusses GCSE options, and the importance that they have for later educational choices and career pathways. We share tips for selecting GCSE choices to get students thinking about what is right for them.

Before this session, students should be aware of what their GCSEs are, and the schools process for selecting GCSE subjects.

Year 9 - Demystifying Higher Education

This interactive session provides students with an overview of HE, by running through a quiz. Students will be confronted with statements about university and they need to decide whether or not they are true or false. Topics discussed are items such as student finance, moving away from home and entry requirements.

Year 10 and 11 - Money Management Workshop

With students becoming increasingly concerned about how to afford university and manage their money, this workshop is designed to provide valuable insights into managing finances whilst navigating university life. In this interactive experience, teams will compete to complete their first year at university with the most amount of money remaining. But it's not just about saving - smart spending can enhance well-being, health, and social benefits. Teams that make strategic choices will earn rewards and tokens, making this both a fun and educational challenge.

Year 10 and 11 - Understanding Post-16 Options

This session recaps the post-16 options and provides ideas for what students can conduct further reason. The majority of the session discusses the importance that post-16 options play when progressing on to future study and careers. We share guidance on how to understand HE entry requirements and provide an overview of contextual admissions.

Before this session, students should be aware of what their post-16 options are, and the schools process and deadlines for selecting post-16 qualifications.