
International student, Alumnus

Originally I never thought of pursuing a master鈥檚 in management as I come from a tech background. I received a computer science degree back in my home country (India) and got a good job as a Data Scientist. Around eight months into the job, I moved internally into product management which usually takes years of experience and you have to come from a master's background, but my company deemed me fit for the role. However, I felt that I needed a master's degree for learning purposes, so started looking for the best courses globally, and that's how I landed at Loughborough.

Why did you choose our MSc Management programme?

The reason I applied to the MSc Management at Loughborough is the vast blend of different management fields that the course covers. I also connected with Loughborough alumni to understand the teaching quality, which was reassuring as they told me only positive things and Loughborough itself has a very good reputation in the UK and beyond, while its courses are well credited and help you to improve your employability.

What are some of your highlights of the programme?

One of the modules I enjoyed most was the Accounting and Finance module. I liked this course as it was a grey area of my knowledge for years, but throughout the course it became crystal clear; I never thought it would turn out to be one of my favourite subjects! The way it was delivered with real examples using different companies was great. At the end of each lecture we practiced what we had learned, rather than learning outside of class, which really was a different kind of experience.

Another module I really enjoyed was Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Previously I had worked with multiple companies and start-ups, but as an employee you don’t really know what happens at management level. I now have a very clear view about how an entrepreneur establishes their company, how they grow and what happens at management level, and that's why it’s another highlight of my student experience.

How has your time at Loughborough developed your employability?

Although I’ve worked in different companies in India, I have never worked in the UK. Loughborough’s MSc Management has provided me with a lot more insight and examples in the UK through case studies in lectures. I am now more confident and comfortable expressing my ideas after participating in group discussions and am much better at presenting my ideas after presenting a lot throughout the year. I like that there are modules where you mix with students from other courses, so we all come together and learn, giving a larger platform for discussion with people from different countries.

What tips would you give to somebody interested in a postgraduate degree in management?

My advice is not to do a master’s for the sake of it, but instead do it for the benefits it gives after you graduate. Your course may not be very easy, but you should look forward to the experience and challenge. Overcoming these challenges is what will help you develop. MSc Management is shaped in such a way that you can get involved with the concept of running a company and understand the different aspects of it.

It is not a subject in which you can just read notes and clear the exams. You need to engage and have an enthusiasm to go and present your views and get involved in discussions whilst learning and opening your mind and vision.

Another tip is that for people from different backgrounds who might not necessarily have had exposure of being in a class of international representation, it’s important to listen to other students’ experiences from around the world to get a truly global outlook.

What have been the best parts about studying at 探花精选?

I take a lot of pride in being a Loughborough alumnus because it has a really good reputation within the UK and it cascades down to me as well. I noticed this when I visited London and if someone asks what you're doing and you say that you’re studying at 探花精选, they are impressed.

There are a lot of luxuries within the town as well. Being a university town, things are easily accessible, with people from different parts of the world being able to find groceries from their home country in Loughborough, which might not be the case in smaller towns.

Another great thing about Loughborough is it's a huge, beautiful campus with a great international union. In addition, Loughborough Students’ Union engages well with students through its social media pages with lots of events. You don't realise until you are part of it that it's a luxury to witness such events. It's an unparalleled experience and really is a privilege for anyone who is a Loughborough student.

Also, it is nice to see that Loughborough is really concerned about their students. If you are struggling with your studies they give you one-on-one counselling. Even if you are comfortable with your course, the option is there. I know of friends that received calls from their personal tutor asking what made the journey to Loughborough difficult. This personal touch in the student’s life is really caring and something that Loughborough should be proud of. The student experience through all its facets, one-on-one tutorship, careers fairs, facilities, and the lectures, is all excellent.

What are your plans after Loughborough?

I will stick to my career in product management, but because of this degree this could now be in the UK, Europe, or back in India. My preference is to be in the UK and there are a few interviews in the pipeline already. I've already gone into the final rounds of some job applications, so there are positive prospects. I think my future will be in the UK for at least two years and maybe the foreseeable future as well.

Ishitva graduated from 探花精选 in 2022.

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