Social Sport

Our Social Sport programme offers free, competitive sport that allows participants to play sport socially. You can represent your department, society and/or as a group of friends.

Our mixed basketball Social Sport league offers you the opportunity to play regular competitive sport on your terms.


  • Thursday 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm
  • Thursday 8.30 pm - 9.00 pm
  • Thursday 9.00 pm - 9.30 pm
  • Thursday 9.30 pm - 10.00 pm

Free* to join, it is a great way of getting to know people, keeping fit and having a break from your academic studies.  The 3 v 3 games will take place in New Victory Hall, located in Holywell Fitness Centre.

*The leagues are free but each team is required to put down a £20 refundable deposit which will be returned as the league finishes, provided the team adheres to the league rules and policies. 


A: General

  1. Games finish when 1 team reaches 21 points         
    1. No more than 20 minute games
    2. Points inside the arc are worth 1 point and points outside the arc are worth 2
    3. Please aim to be at the New Victory Hall for at least 10 minutes before your game.
    4. Teams should aim to wear similar coloured kits.
    5. Games are between 2 teams of 3 players and up to 2 substitute per team.
      1. Teams can have a maximum of 5 players in each squad.
      2. Teams can only make substitutes when the ball is out of play.
      3. Normal and shooting fouls result in turnover in possession, not a free throw
      4. There is no 3 second in the key rule
      5. The games will be structured as a round robin competition
      6. Seeding’s for playoffs will be announced after all teams have played each other

B: Disciplinary

  1. Any acts of violence, verbal or physical aggression towards other players or coordinator and interferences with games or with game results will immediately lose their deposit
    1. Unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in the player being reported to the student sport office and appropriate disciplinary action being taken. 
    2. If a player commits 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, their team will automatically lose that weeks fixture
      1. If unsportsmanlike fouls are found to be consistent, the team will be penalised from their deposits and potentially removed from the league

C: Attendance

  1. If a team withdraws from a game then the opposing team will be awarded the win
  2. Teams must give notice of their withdrawal from the match. Notice must reach the coordinators
    1. Uninformed Walkovers: If teams do not inform the league coordinators of their non-attendance 2 hours prior to the game, they will lose your deposit.
    2. Uninformed walkovers: If teams do not inform the coordinators of their non-attendance on more than one occasion, they will be removed from the league immediately.

D: Other

  1. 1.     When the ball leaves the half-court, the ball will be awarded to the opposing team from whoever touched the ball last.
    1. a.     The possession of the ball after a dead-ball situation will start after a check-ball
    2. 2.     Should there be a jump-ball situation, the defending team will be awarded the possession
    3. 3.     If a team does not have a league fixture one week (through a team informing the league coordinators of their inability to play) then the coordinators will try to arrange a friendly fixture.
    4. 4.     Teams must win by at least 2 points
    5. 5.     The nature of 3x3 Basketball league means that should a team(s) drop in/out at different points in the semester, players should be aware that new teams could enter a league at any point.
    6. 6.     Games will be played at New Victory Hall (Holywell Fitness Centre)

E. Deposits:

 Deposits to be given back at the end of the semester unless:

            a). There is verbal abuse to players/referees

            b). Players have been reported for malicious foul play

            c). Teams do not give an uninformed Walkover

            d). Teams arrive persistently late

Get involved

Sign-ups for Semester 1 will go live at 5.00 pm on Tuesday 1 October for Departments and Societies. For individuals or groups of friends, sign-ups will go live at 5.00 pm on Wednesday 2 October.

You will need to have downloaded the Lboro Sport app in order to play:

 (App Store) 


Sign up