Loughborough Sporting Club Hall of Fame Committee Terms of Reference

Stakeholder membership

探花精选 Sports Development Centre (SDC):

The Executive Director of Sport or the Performance Director will Chair the committee. There will also be two additional nominated representatives of SDC with other SDC staff attending as appropriate to the agenda or by invitation. 

探花精选 Engagement Team:

Two nominated representatives of the Engagement Team with other Engagement staff attending as appropriate to the agenda or by invitation.

Loughborough Sporting Club:

Three nominated representatives of the Loughborough Sporting Club from the alumni community with other alumni guests attending as appropriate to the agenda or by invitation. 

Hall of Fame:

Three nominated representatives of the Hall of Fame membership with other Hall of Fame members attending as appropriate to the agenda or by invitation.


The committee may nominate experts as appropriate to the agenda by invitation. They will be non-voting members. 


The Loughborough Sporting Club Hall of Fame committee will act as a voting forum for induction to the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame seeks to recognise the achievements of Loughborough affiliated performers, support staff, leaders and coaches. The committee will also advise on any related matters including the criteria for membership and the induction events. 


  • The committee will be a decision-making body and will review nominations to the Hall of Fame against the criteria for membership. The committee will choose inductees for the Hall of Fame on an annual basis.
  • The committee may review and amend the Hall of Fame criteria for membership as it sees fit.
  • The committee will monitor developments in sport that may be relevant to the context of the Hall of Fame.
  • Stakeholders will share relevant information, developments, issues or ideas with the Loughborough Sporting Club Hall of Fame Committee.
  • The inductions of the Loughborough Sporting Club Hall of Fame Committee will be endorsed by the University’s Honorary Degree and University Medal Committee.

Procedures to fulfil remit

  • The Engagement Team will circulate the agenda in advance of the meeting.
  • All nominated representatives of the committee are permitted to vote. Additional guests will sit in on meetings in an advisory capacity.
  • The Engagement Team will circulate a report of each meeting.
  • All stakeholders are expected to express their views and opinions within the meeting in an open, honest manner and with a spirit of mutual cooperation.
  • Discussions will remain confidential within the context of the meeting. Member’s personal votes will not be recorded or discussed outside committee meetings.
  • The committee will meet once to discuss all nominations to the Hall of Fame, shortlisting all nominations that meet the criteria.
  • Any further information on the shortlisted nominees will be collated for the second meeting of the committee.
  • In the second meeting the committee will make a final decision on who will be invited to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for that year. The Chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.
  • All nominees will undergo due diligence and final sign off will be given to the Honorary Degree Committee. 


The Engagement Team will administer the Committee. This will include organising termly meetings and circulating agendas and reports.

Criteria for membership

There are four categories of membership in the Loughborough Sport Hall of Fame:

  1. Performers
  2. Performance Coach
  3. Performance Support
  4. Sports Leadership


Nominations for this category must illustrate evidence of the ‘performer’ having achieved:

  • success at the highest level in their sport, such as Olympic or Paralympic Medallist, World Championship Medallist, or hold a world record

Account will also be taken of those performers meeting the criteria who have also contributed as a performance coach. 

Nominations for this category will normally be considered after retirement from the highest level of their performance or, in exceptional circumstances, where they illustrate a sustained career at world-class level. 

Performance Coach

Nominations for this category must illustrate evidence of the coach having worked at the very highest level of performance and achieved success in one or more of the following areas:

  • coaching performers to world-class success (e.g. Olympic, Paralympic or World medallist)
  • enabling performers and/or their sport to break through to the very highest levels of attainment
  • contributing to fundamental change in the development of coaching in their sport.

The nominee should have a proven record of working with a performer, team or sport for a significant period of time.

Performance Support

Nominations for this category must illustrate evidence of the Sport Scientist, Medic, Physiotherapist, Strength and Conditioning coach, nutritionist, physiologist, psychologist, biomechanist, performance analyst or other non-coaching practitioners of having made a significant impact to either a team or individual at World Class level or developing practice in their specialism in a way which has systemically influenced its delivery in a positive way.

Sports Leadership

Nominations for this category must illustrate evidence of the leader having made a highly significant positive impact in their sport in one of the following ways:

  • made significant improvements or impact in their area of work, for example within a National Governing body
  • inspiring people and communities to get involved with sport
  • made impressive contributions through sports administration or leadership

N.B. nominations will not normally be confirmed in this category for those who have simply been appointed to a role and occupied that role for a period of time. The panel must find that there is evidence of significant change or outstanding delivery in that role. 

Additional Criteria

In addition, any nominee must also have studied or worked at 探花精选 or Loughborough College.

In exceptional circumstances, someone who has been training full time at 探花精选 and has demonstrated a considerable commitment to the University and to Loughborough Sport will be considered.  


Sport – the sport in question must have had full ‘Olympic’ or ‘Paralympic’ status or official ‘World Championships’ for at least 8 years. 


The Hall of Fame Committee can consider nominations from the Honorary Degree Committee and vice versa. The two committees sit separately, but Hall of Fame inductees will be ratified by the Honorary Degree Committee.

Last amended on 15 March 2023