Living in Loughborough Town

As a student you can live in halls of residence, which are managed by the university, on campus or off campus or you can rent your own student house/room.

A lot of students choose to move into town after their first year at Loughborough. There are certain things to consider when looking to rent a house or a room in Loughborough town. It is important to remember that not everyone living in town is a student and to please be mindful of the other residents.

Below you can find more information about various aspects of living in Loughborough Town.

How can the University support you?

No matter how you choose to live, the student accommodation centre (SAC) team is there to help you navigate the process. If you feel unsure about how to move forward about renting a house in Loughborough Town, you can contact the SAC team and ask for their guidance. They can help you find trustworthy landlords or letting agencies.

If you want to get more assistance of guidance about living in town from the SAC team have a look at their website or contact them by calling +44 (0) 1509  274488 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start looking for accommodation off campus?

There are plenty of options available to you for renting off campus so there is no rush to sign a contract. If you’re in your first year of study, the university strongly advices you to wait until after your January exams to sign any contracts. However, it can be good to have a look at what is available online before then just to get an idea of where you would like to live, pricing, etc.

How do I find accommodation off campus?

The university advertise properties on behalf of local landlords, these are university approved. There are options of renting a room in a shared house or renting a room in a large privately owned halls of residence.

Find properties by looking at the  

Do I have to pay council tax if I live off campus?

Most likely you do not have to pay council tax if you live off campus, however, have a look at the Council Tax page for more information

What support is available to me if I live off campus?

The university has a community warden team who can help you with a range of concerns. If you would like to know more about what support is available to you off campus, please have a look at the Support in the Community page

Last Updated: 13th July 2022