
On an allegation of a breach of university regulation the authorised officer in charge of that section, Chief Operating Officer (COO) or an officer of the COOs choosing will investigate to gather evidence.

Information about who this could be is available in Regulation XVII.

How can the University support you?

The university will endeavour to make sure all investigations are done fairly and proportionate to the matter at hand. This will be done by the authorised officer collecting evidence from witnesses and only escalating things to a formal investigation (S3 breach) when necessary.

The University recognises that being subject of a disciplinary investigation can have a significant impact on your wellbeing and your studies. 

Support will always be available to you: 

    • If you feel you need support because the matter is affecting your health, including your mental health, you can access support from Student Wellbeing. You can do so via our .
    • If you have a disability, you should contact the Student Inclusivity for further advice and support. You can do so by emailing or phoning +44 (0)1509 222770

What Support can the Student鈥檚 Union offer?

The Student’s Union offers support with appealing discipline so if you want to seek independent guidance on your appeal you can go to the LSU advice. You can find details of their services on the 

If you wish to contact the advice service based at the Loughborough Campus, you can do so via telephone (01509 635072) or email

If you wish to contact the advice service based at the London Campus via email.

What to do next?

Loughborough Student’s Union have information available around the .

Find out whether your breach is being dealt with by an authorised officer (S2 breach) or by the chief operating officer (S3 breach)

Read the process of the investigation found in Ordinance XVII for your specific type of violation

Consider seeking advice from and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if the police are involved?

There may be instances where a disciplinary breach can also constitute a criminal offence. These incidents may be reported to the police, the University or to both. It will normally be at the choice of the complainant as to who the report is made to. If an incident is reported to the police, the University may choose to open a case but will usually wait until the police conclude their investigation before continuing their own inquiry.

Regardless of the outcome of a police investigation, the University may still choose to take its own action but will take into account any action taken by the police or by the courts.  However, the University's action will be limited by its power and investigative capability.  

It's important to be aware that the University and the police operate to different burdens of proof. This is as the University works to what is known as the 'balance of probabilities'. This means that the University will evaluate as to whether something is more likely to have occurred than to have not. This standard of proof is different to what is used by the police. This means that the University may choose to action over a matter where the police have decided that they will not act.  

Where a student is subject to a police investigation. No action will normally be undertaken if it is liable to interfere with a police investigation or if it will obstruct justice. 

What if the police do act against me?

If a criminal complaint is made against you, you may need a solicitor to provide you with legal advice. You can use websites such as to help find someone to represent you.

Will the Police and the University investigate simultaneously?

The University will normally allow any police investigations to finish before undertaking any investigation of their own. However, the University may open a case against you whilst the police investigation is ongoing. The University may consider any action taken by the Police and/or courts when deciding upon any action. 

Can I be investigated for things that happen away from the University?

Yes, you can be investigated for things that happen away from the campus. The University will look at the degree in which the alleged behaviour has impacted on other students, staff, University property or its reputation before deciding whether to investigate.

Can I have restrictions placed on me prior to the disciplinary?

In some serious cases, a student may be restriction restricted from access to certain locations or from contacting certain individuals. There is a right of appeal as set out in the ordinance. 

When can I give my side of the story to the University?

You can ask the person who is dealing with the investigation to consider what you have to say at any time, but generally you will be asked to attend an interview and give your account during the investigation.

If the matter goes to a disciplinary hearing, you will be invited to attend so that you can make your case.

What happens during University Disciplinary Hearing?

 If you need advice about what will happen during a University disciplinary meeting, please visit the website for more.

Can I bring someone with me to Disciplinary meetings?

You are entitled to bring someone else to the meeting with the Investigating officer. The investigating officer will not normally refuse your request to bring a supporting person with you.  

This may not be allowed if the individual is a significant witness or is believed to be involved in the incident or incidents under consideration.  

You will also be able to bring someone to any Student Disciplinary Panels. 

What are the sanctions?

Sanctions can vary from anything from a formal written warning to exclusion from the University. 

A list of university sanctions can be found here. Please be aware that these are guidelines and the panel may use their discretion in terms of the sanction applied.

If I am found guilty will people outside of the university find out?

The disciplinary process is a private matter between you and the University. We will not normally make any disclosure to anyone not directly involved with the issue, but may do so in certain circumstances where the University feels there is a wider issue.

The University will not inform your parents, unless you are under the age of 18. We do realise that you may turn to home for support. However, this is your personal choice for you to make.

The University will not normally engage with third parties over disciplinary issues but may do so at your request and with your express consent.  The outcome of proceedings and the general details of sanctions imposed may be disclosed to a victim or victims at the direction of the Chief Operating Officer.

More Resources

Last Updated: 17th September 2024