Facts and figures 2023 - 2024

Student numbers 2023-24 (December 2023)

Total number of students (2023-24): 19,451

Total number of students (2022-23): 19,797

Full-time students

School / Department Undergraduate Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Total
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering 1,231 42 111 1,384
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering 730 21 62 813
Chemical Engineering 225 20 26 271
Materials 276 1 23 300
Loughborough Business School 2,768 265 74 3,107
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering 1,009 63 112 1,184
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering 1,423 57 123 1,603
Science 1,893 110 156 2,159
Chemistry 210 19 52 281
Computer Science 641 83 42 766
School of Mathematics 600 5 25 630
Physics 163 3 24 190
Foundation Studies 162     162
Natural Sciences 117     117
Mathematics Education Centre     13 13
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences 2,851 475 193 3,519
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences 2,851 412 193 3,456
Teacher Education   63   63
探花精选, London   743 75 818
Social Sciences and Humanities 1,982 84 115 2,181
Geography and Environment 473 23 29 525
Communication and Media 212 36 31 279
English 250 7 13 270
International Relations, Politics and History 677 15 21 713
Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy 370 3 21 394
Design and Creative Arts 1,685 144 98 1,927
Design 590 108 50 748
Creative Arts 1,095 36 48 1,179
2023-24 Total 14,842 1,983 1,057 17,882
2022-23 Total 14,838 2,262 1,060 18,160

Part-time students

School Undergraduate Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Total
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering 67 9 10 86
Loughborough Business 29 149 17 195
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering 16 54 12 82
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Eng. 47 160 13 220
Science 88 34 19 141
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences 64 83 68 215
探花精选, London   47 7 54
Social Sciences and Humanities 40 11 24 75
Design and Creative Arts 25 50 23 98
2023-24 Total 376 597 193 1,166
2022-23 Total 353 763 187 1,303
  • includes students repeating modules
  • not all students registered for modules in current academic year


Type Total
Others - full and part-time (e.g. temporary exchange and staff research registrations) 272
Further Education (Creative Arts FE Programme) 131

Placement programmes

  • 65% of full-time undergraduates are registered on placement programmes.
  • 2184 of these are currently undertaking their professional/industrial training.

International students

School Undergraduate Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Total
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering 99 34 56 189
Loughborough Business 317 193 63 573
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering 74 89 72 235
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Eng. 167 53 79 299
Science 146 57 64 267
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences 346 266 103 715
探花精选, London   664 43 707
Social Sciences and Humanities 108 40 48 196
Design and Creative Arts 150 116 63 329
2023-24 Total 1,407 1,512 591 3,510
2022-23 Total 1,405 1,845 512 3,762

Main non-UK countries of origin: People's Republic of China including Hong Kong (31%), India (20%), Nigeria (4%), United Arab Emirates (3%), Malaysia (3%), Kenya (2%), Pakistan (2%), Iran (2%), Saudi Arabia (2%) Thailand (2%).

All students by gender

Woman Man Gender not listed here*
41% 58% 1%

* Data has been grouped to maintain anonymity of individuals

All students by racialised group

Racialised minority Racialised majority Unknown
36% 61% 2%

Undergraduate admissions (home fee full-time) - October 2023

  • Total applications: 27,513
  • Total home undergraduate intake: 3,570

Home undergraduate intake by age

Age Intake
Under 21 98%
Over 21 2%

Home undergraduate intake by racialised group

Racialised group Intake
Racialised minority 28%
Racialised majority 71%
Unknown 1%

Destinations of UK first degree graduates 15 months after Graduation

Graduation year: 2021

Destination Percentage
Employment 84%
Further study 12%
Seeking employment 4%

Staff numbers

Staff headcount

As at 1 December 2023 (rounded to nearest 5)

Post Full-time Part-time Total FTE*
Administrative 385 245 625 530
Management and Specialist 650 160 810 750
Operational Services 310 510 820 545
Research Teaching and Enterprise 765 50 820 800
Specialist and Supporting Academic 180 95 275 215
Specialist and Supporting Academic Research 255 70 325 290
Technical Services 180 25 210 195
2022-23 Total 2,725 1,155 3,880 3,330
2021-22 Total 2,510 1,135 3,645 3,100

* FTE = Full Time Equivalent

Staff gender

Staff gender Woman Man Gender not listed here
Academic Staff 38% 62% 0%
Non-Academic Staff 62% 38% 0%
All staff 53% 47% 0%
  • Note: rounded to nearest whole percentage point

Staff Racialised Group

Staff Racialised Group Racialised minority Racialised majority Unknown
Academic Staff 27% 71% 2%
Non-Academic Staff 15% 84% 1%
All Staff 20% 79% 1%

Income and expenditure

Income 2022-23

Income £'000 %
Tuition fees and education contracts 194,660 51%
Funding body grants 44,333 12%
Research grants and contracts 48,271 13%
Other income 86,112 23%
Investment income 4121 1%
Donations and endowments 1,559 0%
Total 379,056 100%
2021-22 Total 337,261  

Expenditure 2022-23

Expenditure £'000 %
Academic and related expenditure 114,023 33%
Academic services 35,594 10%
Administration and central services 39,773 11%
Premises (including service concession costs) 59,320 17%
Residences, catering and conferences 35,166 10%
Research grants and contracts 33,366 10%
Staff and student facilities 32,490 9%
Movement in pension provision -4,472 -1%
Other operating expenses 3,394 1%
Total 348,654 100%
2021-22 Total 388,391  

Research income  2022-23

Research Income £'000 %
Research councils 21,929 45%
Research charities 4,015 8%
Government (UK and overseas) 14,887 31%
Industry and commerce 7,440 15%
Total 48,271 100%
2021-22 Total 39,181  

University estate

  • Campus Area: 523 acres of which 44.33 acres is dedicated to playing fields
  • Academic and Support Services Space NIA (Net Internal Area) is 169,889 m²
  • Total Commercial Space GIA (Gross Internal Area) is 71,611 m²
  • University Residential Space GIA (Gross Internal Area) is 97,782 m²

Data as at December 2023

Further information

Further information on some of the data presented can be found on the following University web pages: