New Lecturers' Programme


1.1  This procedure sets out the arrangements for the completion of the New Lecturers’ Programme (the Programme (NLP).

1.2   All academic staff are subject to a probationary period of up to 12 months (as determined by the Appointments Committee) which is separate to this Programme.


2.1 The Programme is structured for completion in three years but early completion is possible and encouraged.

2.2. Completion of the Programme requires an application to be made by a Lecturer, with the support of their academic advisor, for assessment by their Dean.

2.3 Deans are required to ensure there is appropriate support and guidance available to Lecturers enrolled on the Programme (further details are available below).

2.4 The criteria for completion of the Programme are available below in the 'Criteria' section.

2.5 Decisions are taken based on the evidence of actual performance. Applications based principally on promise will be rejected.


3.1. On commencement in role, the Lecturer will be assigned to an academic advisor who will be a senior academic within the School who has undergone training for the role. The purpose of the academic advisor is to support and guide the Lecturer throughout the programme with all aspects of their work, including but not limited to

3.1.1 balancing their use of time to meet R, T and E objectives

3.1.2 ensuring that the New Lecturer is clear about what is expected of them to complete the Programme

3.1.3 assisting them with managing the demands of an academic role to enable them to achieve a good balance with life outside of work

3.1.4 preparing them for a long-term career as an academic

3.2. In conjunction with their academic advisor, the Lecturer is required to draw up a three-year plan which will enable them to achieve the criteria for successful completion of the Programme. Lecturers are encouraged to pay particular attention to any school-specific guidance for the Programme. Objectives for the first year, which work towards the aims of the three-year plan should also be developed. This should be completed within the first month of employment. A meeting should then take place with the Dean who can approve the plan.

3.3. The three year plan is not designed to be a static programme of work for the period in question, but is required to help the Lecturer to plan how they will meet the criteria of the Programme within the specific period. The plan will need to be kept under review to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities and the Lecturer should work closely with the academic advisor when doing this. Lecturers are encouraged to use the New lecturer summary document

3.4. Lecturers and academic advisors are encouraged to ensure that the three-year plan accounts for the specific career profile prior to appointment.

3.5. If the Lecturer works on a part-time basis, the three-year plan should reflect this in terms of quantity of outputs. The same high levels of quality will be required as for full-time staff. 

3.6. The Lecturer and their academic advisor should meet as often as is appropriate and a minimum of three times per year. It is expected that meetings will be more frequent at the commencement of the programme but may be less so towards the end provided good progress is being made.

3.7. At the end of years one and two, the Lecturer, their academic advisor and Dean will meet to review progress against the year’s objectives and overall trajectory towards the three-year plan. Objectives for the following year should be agreed and documented at this point. Deans may delegate this role to an academic colleague who is a member of the School SMT.  

3.8. A Lecturer on the Programme will be expected to have a PDR each year while completing the Programme. However, depending on the timing of the PDR in relation to the Lecturer’s NLP review dates, the performance element of the PDR may not be necessary. An appropriate performance rating should be given at the end-of-year review with the Dean and this should be fed into the next available PDR round. The actual PDR meeting, which should take place with the Lecturer’s academic advisor, should focus solely on the individual’s short term and long-term career development.

3.9. At the point that the Lecturer and academic advisor feel that the requirements of the Programme have been met, a submission should be made to the Dean. This submission must be made to the Dean no later than three months before they have completed three years in the role.

3.10. The Dean will consider the Lecturer’s performance against the NLP criteria and make a decision on whether they support successful completion of the programme. If they do they will inform the Lecturer accordingly and advise HR. The NLP summary of achievement form will also be sent to HR.

3.11. If the Dean decides that the Lecturer has not yet met the criteria for successful completion, s/he will meet with the Lecturer and their academic advisor to discuss their submission in detail in order to support the Lecturer achieve the required levels. A single extension of six months can be agreed.  Any such extensions must be reported to the New Lecturer Programme Sub-Committee which is a sub-committee of Human Resources Committee (see 3.15 below). It is expected that any serious concerns regarding the Lecturer’s performance which may impact on their ability to successfully complete the programme will have already been identified as set out below.

3.12.  If at any point an academic advisor has concerns about a Lecturer’s performance they should discuss this with the Dean without delay to ensure that the Lecturer receives the appropriate guidance and support promptly.

3.13. If a Dean has significant concerns about the Lecturer’s performance at any point, they should discuss this with their HR Partner and, if necessary, invoke the Capability Ordinance. The Capability Ordinance will take precedence over the NLP but the objectives and timescales set as part of the capability review will include the requirements to complete the NLP. It is expected that such serious concerns regarding the Lecturer’s performance will be identified by the end of year 2 at the very latest. Invoking the Capability Ordinance must be reported to the New Lecturer Programme Sub-Committee (see 3.15 below).

3.14. The purpose of invoking the Capability Ordinance will be to support the Lecturer to achieve the requirements of the NLP within the specified three year period. A single extension of six months may be permitted, but further extensions will not be possible.

3.15. The New Lecturer Programme Sub-Committee will be chaired by a Pro Vice Chancellor and will comprise a minimum of two Deans (or their delegate as defined in 3.7). The Dean of each School with a case under consideration will attend.

3.16. The Sub-Committee will meet on an as required basis to review any short term extensions agreed by the Dean, receive regular reports on Lecturers who have not yet completed the NLP and are subject to the Capability Ordinance, and consider matters related to the effectiveness of the Programme.

Personal circumstances

4.1 The Dean will automatically grant an extension for completion of the Programme for any Lecturers who have taken extended (i.e. four weeks or more) family leave (maternity, adoption or shared parental leave). The duration of the extension will be the length of the absence plus three months.

4.2. If a Lecturer requires an extension for other non-academic reasons, they have the opportunity to draw to the attention of the Dean any specific issues which they consider relevant, especially those which, since appointment, they consider have had an effect on their progress. By this means, the University seeks to ensure that no candidate is placed at a disadvantage as a consequence of particular personal circumstances beyond their control.

Workload management

5.1 It is recognised that completing the Programme is demanding. Whilst it is important to ensure that Lecturers are able to manage a full workload upon successful completion of the Programme, it is also important to ensure Lecturers have sufficient time available to them to undertake the personal and professional development required by the Programme.

5.2 Teaching loads are therefore capped as follows:

  • 50% of a normal teaching load in year 1 for all Lecturers on the Programme
  • 50% of a normal teaching load in year 2 for all Lecturers on the Programme who are completing the PGCert ‘Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.
  • 75% of a normal teaching load in year 2 for Lecturers on the Programme who are not completing the PGCert ‘Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.’
  • 75% of a normal teaching load in year 3 for all Lecturers on the Programme


last updated 26 April 2024

Professional development

All staff are required to have professional recognition of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) at Descriptor 2, Fellow (FHEA), in accordance with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). Probationers with at least three years’ experience teaching in higher education in the UK, or who already hold a teaching qualification, can provide evidence through the 探花精选 Teaching Recognition Scheme (LUTRS).  For those with less than three years’ experience, the Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (PGCert) must be undertaken. These schemes are mapped to Descriptor 2 of the UKPSF and on successful completion, FHEA will be awarded. 

All probationers are required to attend twelve research, teaching and innovation workshops to support the activities within the NLP. 

To access the details of these workshops please see the relevant Learn page, titled ‘New Lecturer Programme (Mandatory Workshops and Teaching Observations)'.

All probationers are required to have peer and university observer teaching observations. For those on the PGCert they are encompassed within the programme.  Please see more information on the New Lecturer Programme Learn page and also the OD Hub. 

last updated 26 April 2024

Teaching Observations


Before an application for completion of the New Lecturers’ Programme (NLP) will be considered, colleagues should

  • Have completed a PDR in the preceding 12 months
  • Have a demonstrated record of maintaining good practice in learning and teaching as reflected in the University Framework
  • Be able to demonstrate they have contributed to the collegiality of the School by effectively discharging responsibilities as appropriate for their New Lecturer role
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of the University which are Team, Excellence, Professionalism, Inclusivity, Respect, Community

Criteria for completion of new Lecturers’ Programme

Candidates for completion of the New Lecturers’ Programme must have

  1. An emerging record of excellence which is contributing to the furtherance of knowledge in their area of activity, and is recognised by an emerging international reputation in that area
  2. An ability to inspire others as reflected in growing academic leadership and influence within the School
  3. Evidence of a clear trajectory towards achievements at a higher academic level 

Excellence, reputation, leadership and influence may be demonstrated in all the following areas: research; teaching and associated educational development; enterprise including innovation and knowledge exchange. Public engagement activities may feature in all cases.

Further details of the University’s expectations are set out below but candidates should also refer to specific guidance available for each School that places the general research guidance in the appropriate subject context

Evidence of excellence and international reputation

All candidates must provide evidence of

  • A programme of enquiry that is beginning to be recognised internationally for its originality, significance and rigour
  • A profile in his/her area(s) of activity which is recognised within the discipline and beginning to be recognised externally

In research, specific requirements are:

Normally a minimum of three high quality outputs in academic journals (or equivalent). Suitable equivalents are described in School-specific guidance.

Outputs often arise from work undertaken before appointment as a Lecturer at 探花精选 supplemented by further work since appointment and these are acceptable to meet this requirement. Articles accepted for publication which have not yet appeared can be counted.  

In teaching and educational development, specific requirements are:  

To successfully complete the Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) course which leads to professional recognition of Advance HE at Descriptor 2, (FHEA), in accordance with the UK Professional Standards Framework (unless FHEA has already been obtained).

To have received appropriate module feedback scores as part of their teaching development. This would typically mean module feedback scores for their personal contribution to modules greater than 3.5 out of 5. Scores should normally be expected to be above 4.0 out of 5. Explanations of and reflections on module feedback can be provided as part of the process.

Evidence of academic leadership and influence

In research, specific requirements are:

To submit whether alone or in a team/partnership at least one substantial external funding application relevant to their subject area. If the New Lecturer is a Co-Investigator, it is the responsibility of the Dean to check the substance of their contribution. 

To gain formal experience as a PhD student supervisor. Joint supervision with an experienced member of staff is encouraged from the commencement of the NLP and should be in place by no later than the start of year two. It is expected that by year three the New Lecturer will have been allocated a studentship with a senior second supervisor.

In enterprise, specific requirements are:

With the help and advice of the Mentor, to develop appropriate enterprise activities. This may include engagements with business, public or voluntary organisations in taught programmes, through research collaboration or as part of dedicated knowledge exchange projects. Consideration of pathways to impact should be a specific feature at all stages of research activity. It is expected that any enterprise activities undertaken will be directly associated with a New Lecturer’s teaching and/or research activities (including recently completed research activities).

Enterprise performance will be assessed primarily by the achievement of appropriate objectives agreed between the New Lecturer and their Mentor.

In teaching and educational development, specific requirements are:  

To have demonstrated the ability to make a contribution to the development of a module or degree programme

Working plan

Please use this form for agreeing objectives with your Academic Adviser and Dean at the beginning of your programme. The progress column should be updated annually ahead of a discussion with your Academic Adviser and Dean on the anniversary of your start date. Opportunity to provide additional comments is given in the table for up to three years, but the Lecturer and Academic Adviser are reminded that the NLP is complete when all objectives are met as agreed with the Dean.