
Loughborough Doctoral College

Training and events

Peer-2-Peer Development

Develop yourself and others

Are you knowledgeable about a particular research method or approach? Can you explain how to use a specific piece of software and/or troubleshoot issues other users may be facing? Can you share experience on how to organise a conference? Would you like to set-up a writing club or a ‘drop-in’ technical/methodological support clinic?

If so, or if you have any other ideas, you should consider taking part in LDC’s new development opportunity 'Peer-2-Peer Development'; an initiative that has been established to enable Doctoral Researchers and research staff to develop a wide range of skills and attributes whilst training/supporting others to develop theirs.

All ideas are welcome. The only stipulations are that your activity is open to all Doctoral Researchers and research staff from across the institution, that you meet with a member of the Doctoral College prior to your activity taking place, and that where appropriate you run your activity in Graduate House (dates and times will be subject to availability). It is also expected that you will have undertaken the Essential Teaching Skills course or equivalent. 

If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete and send the proposal form to doctoralcollege@lboro.ac.uk. Proposals will be considered on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.

Our next Peer-2-Peer session, 'Developing your voice for effective presentations', will be faciliated by Alex Hutton from the School of English and Drama on 18th March 2020, 10am-12 noon. Alex's session aims to provide attendees with information on vocal anatomy and how to use the voice to its full potential. Practical activities will explore areas such as the importance of the body’s physical alignment, diaphragmatic breathing, effective resonance, variance in pitch, articulation and vocal projection. Spaces are limited and you can book your place via the .