Student behaviour

The University undertakes a number of initiatives to manage the activities and impact of the student population effectively.

Security patrols

University Security patrol the main route from the University into Loughborough (Ashby Road) with the aim of ensuring the safe and quiet passage of any students in the area back to their accommodation or the campus. They endeavour to prevent incidents of anti-social behaviour taking place.

The Student Street Support Scheme, which initially trialled in April 2015 and was extended, was introduced following discussions between the members of Charnwood Community Safety Partnership and local residents. Security trained University students patrol off campus in a bid to support student welfare and reduce late night noise and anti-social behaviour.

Student briefings

All new 探花精选 students are briefed about their own personal safety, security and behaviour on arrival at the University.

Students renting accommodation in the private sector are also provided with information. Our new regulations make it clear that good behaviour is required off campus as much as on.

Door Knocking Exercise

In the early weeks of each academic year the University works with the Police and Charnwood Borouch Council to undertake a 'Door Knocking' exercise in key student areas. The aim of this is to make direct contact with as many students as possible to provide them with key advice and information.


  • Campaigns by the Students’ Union are regularly organised to educate and inform students about the local community and how to be a responsible neighbour.
  • Responsible behaviour is also promoted through the ha ls of residence committees and wardens, and through the Students’ Union.

Involvement of the Community Warden

The Community Warden team aim to improve the student experience by providing students with support and essential information about living off campus. The team also works to promote good relations between local residents and students. Any concerns raised by local residents about students living off campus will be followed up by the team. 

Jenny Ardley heads up the team. As community warden, Jenny liaises with students and residents living in the local area, including those living in private halls. She will also co-ordinate the work of deputy and sub-wardens.

The full community warden team is:

  • Jenny Ardley
  • Emma Callaghan
  • Ady Hall
  • Scott Savage
  • Steve Black
  • Peter Shaddock
  • Irvin Hendrickson
  • Elliot Cox

For more information on Community Wardens and their responsibilities, visit our .

Contacting the community wardens

If you have a complaint about student behaviour it should be reported at the time of the incident to University security by phoning 01509 222141.

You can find out more about who to report an incident to, on our .

The community wardens are automatically informed of the incident by security. They will follow up and report back on their findings and the action taken.