Kenya Smith


I have always had a passion for innovating and creating. This course covered a wide range of creative fields, providing further options for me to explore in depth, so I could discover what area I wanted to specialise in. I had also been told it was intense and was very full time. Hard work excites me. I wanted to push myself, learn and evolve as a designer.

The teaching and facilities were unparalleled with ‘typical’ university courses. I was able to meet with tutors whenever I needed, to get help and support. Loughborough Design became my second home on this course. I spent most my time there, it was a hub of everything I needed, including a 24-hour computer lab, which you will also need. 

The teaching provided me with knowledge for all aspects to do with product design, ideation, innovation, function, testing, 3D design, graphics etc. Additionally, the course taught me how to stay calm and work for tight deadlines. I learnt how to keep working even when I felt exhausted. I learnt that friends on the course will become your family. I learnt that a big cup of matcha will keep you going for an extra 4-hours.

Kenya Smith

I did a year in industry for work experience. For the first half I went to NTNU in Norway, where I embraced a different culture and deepened my knowledge in sleek Scandinavian design. I spent the following 8-months working at Switch Digital, where I was in the creative team. This time in industry was invaluable, it taught me so much and shaped who I am as a designer today.

Since graduating I have become a freelance designer, primarily focussed on brand visual identity. I am at a point now where I have a constant flow of client work. Being a freelancer has involved promotion of myself and my work to win client work (including maintenance of social media accounts and attendance at meetings). Winning branding work for a range of industries, including beauty, design, and finance. Liaising with clients throughout the process, adapting and refining my work. Creation of pricing strategy and invoicing system.

探花精选ing at Loughborough taught me how to deal with negative feedback. On the course you will get criticism, this is key to help you evolve as a designer and improve. This has provided me with a thick skin for the industry. I know design is subjective (to a certain degree), I do not let negative feedback get to me. It fuels me to go back and improve. This mindset has been shaped from my time at Loughborough.

My best memory of studying at Loughborough is loving  the late nights before a deadline, weird I know. Those late nights spent with my course friends are memories I will hold with me forever. Working at a rapid pace, laughing, knowing that we will get it done, because we always did.

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