Eddie Carrington

Current student

I chose to study Product Design and Technology because I have always loved making projects, especially when I get to see them through from a brief or a problem to a finished product. I chose Loughborough because of its reputation for design, and because I loved how huge the campus is.

Throughout my application process, Loughborough seemed much more organized than some of the other universities that I was considering, and there was a friendly and helpful atmosphere when I visited on open days.

All the teaching staff are very passionate about the modules they teach, and they always offer very helpful and individualised feedback. They are also great at answering questions, and they normally factor in some time at the end of the lecture so that people can ask questions.

I am not completely sure which area of design I would like to go into yet, which is why I am happy that the course covers so many different topics. There is lots of support available, like career and placement talks from companies, as well as portfolio advice.

Eddie Carrington

My favourite thing about my course is how varied the modules are. So far, my favourite topic has been User Centred Design, because you get to focus on the user鈥檚 experience and how to design products that meet the requirements of the people you are designing for.

Before I started my course, I was not too confident with sketching or CAD, but after being here for a few months, I feel much more confident with these skills. The lecturers really went back to basics with the sketching, so that they could make sure that everyone was confident with techniques like crating and two-point perspective, which I had previously struggled with. So if you are considering this course, my advice would be not to worry too much if there are a few areas you are not so confident in. Everyone comes here with different strengths, and this course is a great opportunity to develop on your weaker areas.

I decided I wanted to use my placement year to apply the skills I’ve been learning on my course to a completely new area of design. Although the projects here have been very different from the projects on the course, the skills have been very transferrable, especially the CAD and designing for manufacture. Read the full interview with Eddie giving an insight into his time on placement.

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