Tanya Beri


After spending 3 years working as a Graphic Designer at the NHS, I decided it was time for me to upskill and transition into User Experience. I had initially hoped to attend evening classes or study part-time so I could stay at my job, but I wanted to dedicate 100% of my time and energy into it. As I studied my undergraduate at Loughborough, I already knew how valuable the teaching quality was so when I saw they offered an MA in User Experience, I felt that was the best option for me.

I personally enjoyed the designing for behaviour change module which encouraged me to apply for the position I am in now (energy industry) and as a result, produced the best project out of any other throughout the course. Using creative research methods, I was able to gain a good insight into the users’ thoughts, feelings and pain points which ultimately enabled me to generate a great concept.

The teaching quality was incredible, and I had the opportunity to discuss my ideas with some talented members of staff. Unfortunately, we had to complete the second half of our master鈥檚 during a global pandemic which meant all the teaching and modules completed were now remote. Despite this, I felt the teaching quality maintained a high standard, and I felt incredibly supported throughout this process.

Tanya Beri

If you are willing to work hard, discover a new way of thinking and are passionate about designing, then my advice to anyone considering this course is to do it.

Loughborough has inspired me to pursue projects focused on inspiring a positive change – both socially and environmentally. With the direction the world is heading in, it’s critical that designers take on a responsibility to provide the best experience for users in a way that has their best interest at heart.

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