Dr Richard Frampton

  • Senior Lecturer in Vehicle Safety
  • Mental Health First Aider

Richard graduated from The University of Keele in 1984. He then moved to the School of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Birmingham to undertake an MSc in Industrial Ergonomics. This was followed by PhD research which helped develop crash test procedures to assess vehicle occupant safety in real world frontal car crashes. In 1989 he took up the post of research associate in the Accident Research Centre at Birmingham where he investigated the crash performance of real vehicles in real crashes. Richard moved to 探花精选 in 1995, to become the Ford Research Fellow. This involved placement with Ford in the UK, Germany and the US, helping to develop safety strategy for new model vehicles. As a result, Richard has extensive experience with the interface between engineering safety design in the motor industry and the application of crash injury research.

In 2011, he developed the Loughborough Road and Vehicle Safety programme and was the first programme director. This course brings together the collective experience of traffic safety professionals at Loughborough into a programme leading to an MSc qualification. Richard also teaches vehicle safety on several undergraduate and postgraduate modules in addition to supervising and examining PhD studies. He is also the Placement (DPS) Tutor for the Design School and holds additional positions of Visiting Professor at Hasselt University in Belgium and Academic Visitor in Loughborough’s Department of Materials.

In recognition of his experience in the field of crash injuries and vehicle safety design Richard has been asked to contribute to many radio and TV programmes, and invited to give guest lectures at various events, conferences and short courses both in the UK and internationally. He also sits on and has chaired several international scientific and policy committees. In 2011 he was awarded a Fellowship of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine in recognition of significant and sustained contributions to academic, scientific and professional achievements in international traffic injury control.

Richard is a member of the editorial board of the journal Traffic injury Prevention and the Journal of Transportation Sciences as well as an associate editor for the SAE International Journal. He is also a member of the peer review college of the EPSRC and the Australian Research Council.

Research Group: Behavioural safety Research Group

Richard has over 25 years of experience working in the area of Traffic Safety. To date he has published over 100 peer reviewed technical publications and reports in the field of crash and injury prevention. Currently his main injury prevention interests lie in the development of smart restraints and the use of real world crash data in simulation. Richard is also working on crash prevention, specifically, human factors issues related to the use of vehicle controls and the development of pre-crash intervention systems in cars and motorcycles.


  • MPB013 Automotive Crash Protection (Module Leader)
  • MPC123 Automotive Crash Protection and Materials (Module Leader)
  • MPC113 Design and Engineering Materials Project
  • DSP201 Vehicle Safety Systems (Module Leader)
  • DSP201 Vehicle Crashworthiness Design (Module Leader)
  • DSP207 Project (Module Leader)
  • TTC068 Crashworthiness (Module Leader)
  • DSP204 Driver Behaviour and Safety
  • TTP402 Body Engineering
  • TTP408 Vehicle Electrical Systems Integration
  • TTP302 Vehicle Systems Analysis
  • DSC021 Dissertation
  • DSI001 Industrial Training Placement