Dr Martin Maguire

  • Lecturer and Research Fellow

Martin has a background in both computer studies and ergonomics, graduating from 探花精选. His PhD from Leicester Polytechnic was concerned with the design of user interfaces for inexperienced users. His main interests are in the design and usability of interactive systems including the needs of inexperienced users, older people and people with disabilities.

He has also been involved in several EU projects to develop human factors tools, methods and guidelines and to apply them in a number of domains. A key project was Esprit MUSiC which developed tools to evaluate and measure the usability of interactive systems. This was followed by the IST RESPECT project which developed a handbook to assist with user requirements analysis. Drawing upon this experience, he has applied his knowledge to many areas including digital television programme guides, smart home technology, online data management systems, patient information support and online educational tools .

He was involved in three New Dynamics of Ageing programme projects relating to older people concerned with making kitchens easier to use, patient nutrition in hospitals and the journey to work.

He is the organiser and contributor to several undergraduate and postgraduate modules covering human-computer interaction, usability, user-experienced design, and human factors research methods. In this activity he employs a range of teaching methods

PhD and supervision and examination are on-going as well as supervision and examination of postgraduate and undergraduate dissertation projects. He has held examiner appointments for London Metropolitan University.

He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.

Research Group: User Centred Design.

Martin has been co-investigator or advisor on the following collaborative projects: 

  • Better information for patients. Project to explore ways for patients to be more knowledgeable about their own health and responsible for managing and improving it – Health and Well-Being Challenge, 探花精选. 
  • Use of standards in teaching. Project with Middlesex University to study and enhance the use of standards in the educational environment, Nov. 2013 – May 2014 – British Standards Institution. 
  • Transitions in Kitchen Living project with the Open University - Examining the experience of the kitchen across the life course for people currently in their 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Sept. 2009 – Aug. 2011. New Dynamics of Ageing Programme. 
  • Working late. Collaboration with Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences. Centred on need for employment policies, workplace design and occupational health provision that takes account of the needs of the ageing workforce. Sept. 2009 – Aug. 2012). New Dynamics of Ageing Programme. 
  • mappmal project with the Newcastle University, Reading University and Glasgow School of Art. Aimed to exploit new technologies to rethink and test new ways that food can be produced and delivered to older patients considering all stages of the food journey, from production to bedside. Oct. 2008 – Sept. 2011. New Dynamics of Ageing Programme. 
  • The Application Home Initiative (TAHI). Range of projects to develop ICT to support the connected or smart home and products and services for people within in it. Many new services were prototyped and tested in a real home environment. 

Previous studies have included: 

  • Surgery lighting in operating theatre environments. 探花精选 funded by CEP (Centre for Evidence-based Purchasing) and Derby Hospitals to create input to a buyer’s guide for the NHS. 
  • 探花精选 of construction workers activity levels and diet – GlaxoSmithKline. 
  • Development of Graphical User Interface Styleguide for systems – Atomic Weapons Establishment. 
  • Research into future driver needs for the 'Baby Boomer' generation and comparison with the children of Baby Boomers – Nissan Motor Company. 
  • Literature review of design guidelines for children with disabilities – ANEC: The European consumer voice in standardisation. 
  • Child Seat Instruction evaluation – Central England Trading Standards Authorities (CENTSA) 2006. 
  • Assessment of user needs and demand for integrated intelligent home energy meter – Siemens UK. 

Human Factors evaluations of a number of systems for the National Probation and HM Prison Services including the National Offender Management System (NOMS) and electronic Offender Assessment System (eOASYS).

Undergraduate teaching:

  • DSA105 Introduction to Ergonomics
  • DSB118 Human Computer Interaction
  • DSB119 User-Experience Design
  • DSB102 Ergonomics in the Design of Multi-User Systems
  • DSB106 Qualitative Methods
  • DSC114 Disability, Ageing and Inclusive Design

Postgraduate teaching:

  • DSP118 Human Computer Interaction
  • DSP114 Disability, Ageing and Inclusive Design
  • DSP832 Usability: principles and practice