Professor Craig Richardson

  • Professor of Fine Art

I am a Graduate of The Glasgow School of Art with a PhD from The University of Glasgow / Glasgow School of Art.

My role entails leading or contributing to the strategic development and implementation of research, teaching and enterprise in Fine Art and more broadly in the School. I contribute leadership through membership of the SDCA Research Committee and I was School lead for Creative Arts in SDCA’s REF 2021 submission for Art & Design.

My research combines practice, theory and history. My forthcoming Routledge monograph is ‘Independence and Identity in Late-Modern and Contemporary Scottish Art.’ Recent publications include book chapters in Routledge and University of California Press collections. I continue my own art practice which, at the moment, entails a focus on drawing and erasure.

Current supervisions (2022)

  • Co-Supervisor: Yoram Eshkol-Rokach, ‘The Phenomenon of the Private Contemporary Art
  • Museum in the Global Art World: Ownership, Philanthropy and Ethics.’ 
  • Principal Supervisor: Rachel Gadsen, ‘The politics and mythologies surrounding disability art, sensation and activism.’
  • Co-Supervisor Chrissy Zhang ‘AI Museum: The integrated development of AI and museums.’
  • Co-Supervisor Theo Turpin ‘An analysis and implementation of the logics of transmedia narratives within the field of contemporary art.’
  • Principal Supervisor: Ghadeer Abualshamat, ‘The development of contemporary art in the
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Challenges of Contemporary Canon Formation.’
  • Co-Supervisor: Dominika Mackiewicz, ‘”Photography as Another Reality”: The Presence of Konpora in Photographs by Takashi Homma, Naoya Hatakeyama and Rinko Kawauchi’.           

Completions since 2020 

  • Co-Supervisor: Mark Sladen, ‘Resume Transmission: Re-reading the Work of Felix Gonzalez
  • Torres’. Ì½»¨¾«Ñ¡.
  • Primary Supervisor: S. Mark Gubb, Art of Exchange: A Practice-Based Inquiry into Co-opting Site
  • and Audience Agency in the Construct of an Artwork. The University of Worcester. 
  • Co-Supervisor: Franziska Wilmsen, Commissioning the Contemporary: Museum Brands, Art
  • Trends and Creative Networks. ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.


Craig Richardson teaches across final year Fine Art modules including ACC117, ACC118 and leads ACC116 Resolving Fine Art Practice.

Lecturing at The Glasgow School of Art (1992-94), then U. Of Derby, in 1997 I moved to Oxford Brookes as Senior Lecturer then Principal Lecturer with roles including Department Research Lead and School Director of Postgraduate (PGT) during which I initiated and developed new PGT Creative Arts and Humanities Masters programmes.

In 2004 & 2005 I was nominated for the Paul Hamlyn Award for Visual Artists. I won three AHRC grants between 2005-8 involving my practice. Coincidently with the publication of my ‘Scottish Art since 1960’ for Ashgate / Routledge, in 2011 I became a Research Professor at Northumbria University (2011 – 15) as well as serving for a year as Associate Dean for regional engagement and partnerships. During this time I secured £1.2M from the AHRC as Principal Investigator of Northumbria Art & Design’s AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training. From 2015-16 I was Professor and Research Lead in Art and Communication at the University of Huddersfield Research and then joined ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ in 2016.

I have repeatedly engaged with quality assurance activities such as external membership of Royal College of Art’s Revalidation Panel for Sculpture (2014), and external reviewer roles for other universities in the lead up to REF 2021. I have served seven terms as a programme External Examiner, most recently between 2015 – 19 at The Ruskin School of Art (BFA), The University of Oxford, as a School Chief External Examiner at The University of Brighton and Glasgow School of Art’s renowned M.F.A. programme. Again as external, I was involved in The University for the Arts’ Professorial appointments panel in 2019.

Previously an AHRC Peer Review College member until 2015 and serving two terms, I chaired and was a member of eleven AHRC prioritisation panels, including a panel in New Delhi.

I was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Visual Art Practice until 2020.

Some very recent academic service includes:

  • 2021:  UCD Periodic Quality Review of National College of Art&Design, Dublin. Reviewer Group.
  • 2021 – current:  Arts Evaluation Panel for Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), Portugal.
  • 2020 – current: Member of the CHEAD Research Alliance Strategy Group. 
  • 2019 – current: Carnegie Trust PhD Adviser.
  • 2017 – 2021: Member, British Council Venice Fellowship Steering Group. 

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and previously a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts.