Drawing Research Network

The Drawing Research Network (DRN) was established in 2001 as part of the The Big Draw. The DRN is an international network of individuals and institutions who are involved in some way with improving our understanding of drawing, for example through professional practice, education or general interest. It aims to use this knowledge to raise the profile of drawing and drawing research. Some participants are based in universities and colleges of art and design with established teaching and/or research profiles in drawing. Other participants have an interest in, for example, drawing therapy, the cross-curricular role of drawing in schools or digital drawing. Some participants simply have an interest in drawings and the drawing process which might include making, thinking about and communicating with drawing. Individuals and institutions use the DRN to communicate news, to explore possibilities for cooperation in drawing research, to formulate collaborative projects and to share outputs. The DRN has two main opportunities for communication there include the DRN email discussion list (Jiscmail) and the TRACEY DRN site.

Joining the DRN email forum

One of the main discussion forums for the DRN is the Drawing Research Network jiscmail.  The link below will take you to the DRN jiscmail homepage that allows to you to subscribe and unsubscribe from this email forum and links to the archive of drawing research messages going back to 2001. You can also change your settings, for example, you can temporarily suspend deliveries of messages to your inbox. If you join, you can send a message to all readers of the Drawing Research forum simply by sending an email to the drawing research email address. 

The DRN web pages

In order to facilitate accessible communication, particularly of visual media the DRN has a web presence in the form of a moderated blog in addition to the jiscmail.  We welcome the participation of all drawing makers, drawing users and drawing researchers to engage with this online space to deposit information on drawings, shows, exhibitions, share drawings and thoughts on drawing, and generally further the discipline of drawing.