2019 - 2014 Seminars


  • Helen F. Wilson (Durham University): Brexit: immigration, race, and shock as denial (6 February). Part of the CRCC ‘MigNation’ seminar series.
  • Adrian Favell (University of Leeds): Crossing the Race Line: Brexit, Citizenship and “Immigrants” in the Referendum (13 March). Part of the CRCC ‘MigNation’ seminar series
  • Jon Fox (Bristol University): From everyday nationhood to everyday nationalism (8 May). Part of the CRCC ‘MigNation’ seminar series.
  • Ali Bilgic (探花精选): Doomed to extinct like American Indians”: Nationalism, Modernity, and Kurds in Turkey (30 October)
  • Dyvia Tolia-Kelly (Sussex University): Decolonising institutional racisms: being and feeling in the spaces of museums and academia (31 October). Part of the CRCC ‘MigNation’ seminar series


  • Joost Jansen and Gijs van Campenhout (Erasmus University, Rotterdam): ‘Plastic Brits’ and other immigrant athletes. Who can represent the country? (14 November)
  • Gaia Giuliani (Coimbra University, Portugal): Race, Nation and Gender in Modern Italy: Intersectional Representations in Visual Culture (30 May). Part of the CRCC seminar series.
  • James D. Sidaway (National University Singapore): Securing urbanization’s multiple frontiers: a view from Yangon, Myanmar (17 May). In collaboration with The Centre for the 探花精选 of International Governance (CSIG)
  • Andrea Ballatore (Birkbeck College, University of London) Digital Hegemonies: Towards A Geography of Web Content (18 April). Part of the CRCC seminar series
  • Dmitry Chernobrov (University of Sheffield) Idealised national self-concepts in public perception of international crises(31 January). Part of the CRCC seminar series.


  • Sabrina Vitting-Seerup (University of Copenhagen) National narrative and diversity in Danish cultural institutions (25 October). Part of the CRCC seminar series. .
  • Taku Tamaki (PHIR, 探花精选) Japanese national identity representation in nation branding and the Cool Japan initiative (18 October). Part of the CRCC seminar series.
  • Eunice Romero Rivera (Open University of Catalonia) and Paolo Cossarini (PHIR, 探花精选) Catalonia’s independence: When nationalism and democracy clash (17 October). .
  • Helen Drake (PHIR, 探花精选) The 2017 French presidential election: first thoughts (11 May)
  • Martin Lundsteen (Open University of Catalonia): An impure nation? Towards an ethnography of ethnic and cultural diversity in the Catalan nation and state-building (29 March)
  • Stijn van Kessel (PHIR, 探花精选): The Dutch election of March 15th: a fragmented field and a prominent role for the populist radical right (16 March)
  • Sarah Mills (Geography, 探花精选): From Big Society to Shared Society? Geographies of social cohesion and citizenship in the UK’s National Citizen Service (1 March)
  • Giulia Piccolino (PHIR, 探花精选): Populist nationalism in Africa: the Laurent Gbagbo regime in Côte d’Ivoire and its aftermath (9 February)


  • Richard Bramwell (Social Sciences, 探花精选): Performing Hip-Hop Englishness: Place, race, masculinity and the role of rap in the performance of Alternative British identities (7 December)
  • Andreas Forø Tollefsen (FFI, PRIO, Oslo): Civil wars: looking beyond the nation (13 October)
  • Ruth Kinna (PHIR, 探花精选): Internationalism, anti-militarism and revolutionary violence in anarchism (1 June)
  • Marco Antonsich (Geography, 探花精选): International migration and the neoliberal culturalist nation (25 May)
  • Guzel Yusupova (Russian Academy of Sciences and Kazan Federal University): Performing and consuming ethnicity in the Islamic context: the case of the Tatars in contemporary Russia (16 March)
  • Line Nyhagen (Social Sciences, 探花精选): Religion and Citizenship: The Limits of Rights-based Approaches (jointly organized with CulCom and CAMARG) (2 March)
  • Sophie Hyde (English and Drama, 探花精选): Narrating Levels of Nationalism: Layering Voices in Verbatim (17 February)


  • Jon Fox (University of Bristol): The edges of the nation: breaching everyday nationhood (4 December). .
  • Robert Knight (PHIR, 探花精选): From Himmler to Herder? Constructed and organic nations (11 November)
  • Dan Sage (Business and Economics, 探花精选): How Outer Space Made America (28 October)
  • Mariann Vaczi (College of Dunaujvaros, Hungary; University of Nevada, Reno): Football, the Beast, and the Sovereign: Sport and Politics in Spain (July 1) – co-hosted with the LU Sociology of Sport Research Group
  • Sabina Mihelj (Social Sciences, 探花精选) and Enric Castello (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain): Promoting and consuming the nation: Nations in the world of global capitalism (June 3)
  • Michael Skey (University of East Anglia): Why do nations matter? The struggle for belonging and security in an uncertain world (April 23)
  • Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (PHIR, 探花精选): Nationalism and the Politics of Religion in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks (March 19)
  • Catherine Armstrong (PHIR, 探花精选): Clio’s contribution?  Historical perspectives on social science research (March 4)
  • Alan Bairner (Sport, 探花精选): Playing for the nation? Taiwan’s indigenous peoples and baseball  (February 25)


  • Marco Antonsich (Geography, 探花精选):  New Italians: The Re-Making of the Nation in the Age of Migration (November 19)