
News from 2024

Anastasiya Pshenychnykh offered a plenary entitled ‘’ to the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for the 探花精选 of Ethnicity and Nationalism, which took take place from 9th to 11th April 2024 at the University of Edinburgh.

On 5-6 June, LUNN convened in Loughborough the 2nd edition of the International Postgraduate Conference ‘Nations and Nationalisms: Theories, Practices and Methods 2.0’. The conference was organised by Marco Antonsich, Zirui 'Olivia' Chen, Johanna Kluit, and Brigita Valantinaviciute, with the participation of Michael Billig and Eleanor Knott (LSE) as key-note speakers, and Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, Yuval Katz, Liz Mavroudi, Sabina Mihelj, Michael Skey and Varun Uberoi as workshop-convenors.

Marco Antonsich and Michael Skey . Michael was subsequently interviewed by the London-based LBC radio.

News from 2023

Alena Pfoser has been awarded a Mercator Fellowship as part of the Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group ‘’ (11/2023-10/2026). The research group is led by Dr Vivien Sommer, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, and funded by the German Research Foundation. The value of the fellowship is €21,150. It will allow Alena to spend time in Berlin to support to development of the conceptual and methodological framework of the project as well as the comparative analysis of its findings.

Simone Varriale published the monograph . The book explores the impact of intersecting inequalities on post-2008 Italian emigration, drawing on interviews with working and middle class, white and Black Italian migrants in the UK.

We are very pleased to welcome five new LUNN members:

  • Marcus Collins (Research interests: public attitudes to imperialism, decolonisation, migration, ‘race’ relations and Americanisation in twentieth-century Britain),
  • Sam Edwards (Research interests: intersections of war, memory, commemoration, nationalism and transatlantic relations),
  • Anastasiya Pshenychnykh (Research interests: digital memory wars, contested heritage, national identity, Ukraine, Russia, the EU),
  • Varun Uberoi (Research interests: multiculturalism, nationalism, national identity and political theory) and
  • Simone Varriale (Research interests: intersections of race, class, migration and nation).

Alan Bairner edited a special issue of  on Sport and Nationalism (Vol 25, Issue 4, 2023). Great to see that among the contributors are some 探花精选 graduates: Stuart Whigham (MSc Sociology of Sport, PhD); Priyansh (MSc Sociology of Sport); Gyozo Molnar (PhD); 

Peizi Han (MSc Sport Management, PhD). In addition Ying Chiang spent six months at Loughborough while studying for her PhD at National Taiwan Sport University.

On 3-5 April 2023, LUNN hosted the 2023 annual conference of the Association for the 探花精选 of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN).

Find out more about the conference

News from 2022

Marco Antonsich has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme small grant for the project entitled "Beyond the white nation: Exploring the nexus between race and nation among Black Italians in the Uk" (2022-2023).

Two LUNN colleagues have featured prominently at the ASEN 2022 annual conference in Antwerp: Sabina Mihelj has offered the biennial Anthony D. Smith lecture and Michael Skey one of the three keynotes.

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