Public lecture

Remote Geopolitics: The Arctic and Beyond

  • 14 June 2021
  • 13:00 - 15:00
  • Virtual IAS

Following the success of the Institute of Advanced Studies Arctic Geopolitics Spotlight Series workshop ‘Great Power Competition in the Anthropocene Arctic’, Dr Duncan Depledge and colleagues have organised a second Virtual Workshop on ‘Remote Geopolitics: The Arctic and Beyond’.

This virtual workshop will bring together a group of distinguished and early career scholars to consider the distinct challenges states face when it comes to building, extending and securing sovereignty, borders, territory and legal regimes in distant and difficult-to-reach spaces. This turn to what we term ‘Remote Geopolitics’ will examine emerging or reemerging sites of international contestation: namely, the Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctica), the Deep Sea and Outer Space.


Dr Duncan Depledge (Chair), ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ (UK)

Dr Elizabeth Buchanan, Deakin University (Australia)

Wing Commander Clifford Fletcher-Jones, King’s College London (UK)

Professor P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Trent University (Canada)

Rear Admiral (ret) Nick Lambert, NLA International (UK)

Dr Rachael Squire, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)

Professor Caroline Kennedy-Pipe (Discussant), ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ (UK)


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Katy Wing
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