IAS Themes 2020/21 - Sandpit/Ideas Lab

  • 16 July 2019
  • 14:00 - 15:30

This Institute for Advanced Studies is pleased to host its second sandpit/ideas lab session aimed at developing future themes for the academic year 2020/2021.

The Insititute for Advanced Studies is holding a second session aimed at developing IAS Themes for the 2020/21 Academic Year.

Please note that we will not be accepting applications for IAS Themes from colleagues who have not either attended one of the two Ideas Labs, or approached us to discuss their idea.

The IAS annual Themes are organised around an inspiring concept designed to highlight aspects of Loughborough’s most innovative areas of research activity by facilitating interactions between the arts, humanities, social sciences and STEM subjects through a coherent programme of International Visiting Fellowships and events.

Do you have an idea for a Theme that you would like to lead? Or would you just like to learn more about how to become involved in an IAS Theme and brainstorm potential topics with colleagues?

Then come along with your ideas, thoughts and colleagues to our lunchtime Sandpit/Ideas Lab at International House on 16th July. Booking is essential to guarantee your place.

Refreshments will be provided

All welcome!

Contact and booking details

Laura Dale
Telephone number
01509 228598
Email address
Booking required?
Booking information
Please book to guarantee your place