Championing equality and diversity
in Mathematics

Dr Eugenie Hunsicker
Mathematical Sciences

Dr Eugenie Hunsicker has long championed diversity in STEM.

Her contribution to equality work takes many forms, spanning formal academic enquiry, event organisation, nurturing active networks, creating online resources, and film production.

As Director of Equality and Diversity in the School of Science, she leads the School’s Equality and Diversity Committee which manages a range of initiatives that support diversity and encourage a culture of inclusivity.

This year, she led the team which developed a national on behalf of the UK’s professional mathematical societies. The data from the survey will inform the Academic Lifetimes 探花精选 and the creation of policies to support career progression in mathematics for all.

She is also undertaking an EDI analysis of EPSRC, ERC and Leverhulme funding outcomes in mathematics to inform funding policies. In May, she is leading a to examine peer review mechanisms in mathematics.

She is one of the initiators of which supports LGBT+ researchers and students who, as part of their work, travel in countries with laws unfavourable towards LGBT+ rights.

She is the Deputy Chair of the and Chair of the London Mathematical Society’s (2015-) which was awarded the Royal Society’s first Athena Prize for its work to support diversity.

As Chair, she guided the Society’s inspiring online collection of , and coordinated a  to understand the status of women in mathematics in the UK.

With filmmaker Irina Linke and in collaboration with the International Mathematical Union, she produced the short film, Faces of Women in Mathematics which was released on International Women’s Day 2018.

She is a regular speaker on equality and diversity – including at , the , and the .

In 2018, she received the (Mathematics and Computing) "for her achievements in science, and for her work encouraging others to aim for leadership roles in the sector".

Image courtesy of Suffrage Science Awards
MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences