Pictured are students at the Penrose Engineering Residential.

Penrose Engineering Residential inspires Year 11 female students

Earlier this month, 探花精选 hosted a residential event for Year 11 students that aimed to inspire them to peruse a career in engineering.

The ‘’ saw 35 pupils take part in sessions that focused on Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Engineering, MBED programming, Architecture and Rocket Building.

The free two-day event, which took place on campus from 5-6 July, was made possible thanks to a by Loughborough alumnus and ex-RAF test pilot Captain Desmond Penrose as he believes there’s a need to “enhance the possibility of women choosing Engineering over other subjects”.

Students were given an insight into engineering through a variety of activities during the residential and shown what opportunities are available in the field.

They worked in small groups, supported by Student Ambassadors, to develop a presentation linked to an engineering challenge of sending a robot to a different planet. 

The students participated in a variety of academic talks and workshops which helped them to develop solutions for issues that would arise in visiting a new planet.

To give them a sense of what life might be like at University, they also stayed in Halls on campus and ate in the dining rooms.

Capt Penrose paid a visited to the students during their stay. After meeting them, he said: “It was a joy to see so many young people engrossed in subjects that might hold their future.

“I was speaking with a group of girls, one of whom said she had been inspired by the engineering sessions. For me, if just one girl had been inspired, it has all been worth it.”

Pictured is Captain Desmond Penrose at the Penrose Engineering Residential.

Captain Desmond Penrose.

Feedback following the event revealed that as a result of the residential, 80% of the students a more likely to apply to study Engineering at university.

One attendee said “the event has inspired me towards a career in engineering” and another commented “I really enjoyed it and I got an excellent insight into engineering. Thank you”.

Student Recruitment Officer Matt Parry said: “The whole team and I would like to thank Desmond for enabling us to host an event that helped inspire 35 girls into a career in engineering and let them experience a variety of different engineering disciplines and also a taste of student life.

“Without his hugely generous donation, this would not have been possible. Thank you!”
