Loughborough graduates gain professional roles to be proud of

Over 94% of Loughborough graduates are in employment or further study within six months of graduating from the University according to the latest Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey.

And of those graduates in full-time employment, 90% are in managerial or professional positions, putting Loughborough well above the national average.

探花精选 has a well-earned reputation for graduate recruitment and the quality of its students. Each year its (CEC) hosts a wide range of employer events and interactions with students, including the UK’s biggest one-day university careers fair which typically attracts over 6,000 students and close to 200 exhibitors.

The University provides a wealth of opportunities for students to develop skills and prepare for employment, ensuring high calibre applications for roles from holiday posts and internships to placement and graduate positions. All Loughborough graduates can also benefit from ongoing support from the CEC, including its extensive Careers Online job board.

In 2014, ranked Loughborough’s Careers and Employability Centre 1st for satisfaction (out of 211 participating universities globally).

And the University’s strong links with its alumni are key to providing job opportunities and career insights to its current crop of students through graduate case studies, mentoring, and a range of informal networking links.

student Richard Lee graduated in 2014 and immediately secured a job with FORTUNE 500 engineering procuring and contracting company after seeing them at the University's . He said:  

"I used the careers and employability centre throughout my time at Loughborough, from helping with my CV to applying for industrial placement and graduate jobs. I highly recommend every student pays them a visit for career and application advice."

Jessica Stewart, who graduated with a degree in last summer, was offered a job as Trainee Embroidery Designer with fashion house Alexander McQueen after recruiters met her on the University’s stand at (an exhibition showcasing the most promising graduate talent). She said:

“Textiles is an exceptional course with fantastic tutors and technical team. Loughborough gave me the best platform for my career as a young designer.”

, Head of the University’s Careers and Employability Centre, added:

“Our excellent relationships with a wide range of graduate recruiters, our network of fantastic alumni, and the great support provided by our careers team and staff throughout the University are reflected in our very positive graduate destinations figures and the high quality of employment outcomes achieved by our students.”

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