Loughborough design graduate reinvents the toothbrush

Simon Enever with the byDEFAULT toothbrush range

A Loughborough design graduate aims to reinvent the toothbrush with an innovative new design that improves hygiene, reduces plastic waste, and makes a style statement.

Graduating with a first class degree in industrial design and technology, has worked for the last four years in New York at the world leading design consultancies, Fuseproject and ECCO design NY, working with global health and personal care and electronics brands including 3M, LG, Nivea, Panasonic and Unilever.

Simon now splits his time as ECCO design lead and product development at , the company he launched earlier this year to inject an English design perspective on the US market. The toothbrush is byDEFAULT’S first product.

Commenting on his new venture, Simon said: “We invest more than ever on health gadgets, but teeth are largely ignored. byDEFAULT aims to reinvent the toothbrush to make good brushing practice easier, improve hygiene, reduce plastic waste, and make it something people would actually enjoy using.”

Following a year’s research with dentists and partnership with a major manufacturer, Simon has launched the on the project funding website Indiegogo.

He concludes: “We see this as the start of a platform that can revolutionise a tired industry. New ergonomic handles, smarter vibration modules and unique head attachments can keep the brush adapting to changing trends and technology for years and with the basic brush starting at just $19 and head subscription only $4 / 3 month cycle, we are one of the most competitive products on the market.”

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