Safia Bahas

Current student

Air Transport Management MSc
探花精选 area

The lectures are very useful and help in developing skills and a practical understanding of the various aspects of this field. The faculty is very supportive and effectively encourages you to tap into your potential.

What were you doing before you joined Loughborough?

I did my undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India.

Why did you choose 探花精选?

With a history of over 40 years in this field, 探花精选 is one of the best universities to offer a comprehensive course in air transport. Moreover, the facilities at the campus encouraged me to choose Loughborough over other universities offering the same course.

What do you enjoy the most about your programme?

The lectures are very useful and help in developing skills and a practical understanding of the various aspects of this field. The faculty is very supportive and effectively encourages you to tap into your potential as a student. Though coursework is considered to be stressful generally, I enjoyed a lot of reading and preparing my coursework.

Describe what it is like to be a postgraduate, and how this differs from undergraduate studies?

While undergraduate courses are longer, the short duration of the master courses makes it more focused, while retaining the comprehensive nature of studying a subject. More importance is given to critical thinking and creativity. Though this makes it intense, it becomes more enjoyable too.

Describe a day in the life of an Air Transport Management masters student?

The day starts with maybe a two or three hour lecture on one of the four modules taught in the particular semester. Once the lecture and tutorial hours are finished, we are left with plenty of time to spend for reading at the library or to engage ourselves in extra-curricular activities.

How do you like to spend your time away from your studies?

I like to engage myself in a bit of leisure sports which was one of the reasons why I chose Loughborough. I also enjoy travelling, reading and photography.

Why did you decide to study this course?

As a frequent air traveller, the growing aviation industry amazed and inspired me to do postgraduate study in this field.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I hope to be working at a reputable airline or an airport.

If you could give one piece of advice to a future student, what would it be?

First of all, this is one of the most interesting subject areas and relatively modern too. The lecturers will definitely give you a lot during lectures but the key to better understanding and grades can be the reading you do on your own. While it is easy to get a pass mark, the real kick of studying air transport management is from striving to make the most of it. Involving in casual discussions and braining storming sessions with your classmates will also come in handy.