
Performance and Development Review

PDR Reviewees


It's recommended that all staff take time to thoroughly prepare prior to their PDRs in order to get the most out of the process.

Reviewees are advised to follow the steps below.

Date and time of PDR meeting

It is important to ensure you know the following information well in advance of your PDR meeting:

• Date and time

• Location

• Assigned Reviewer

Complete pre work

Prior to your meeting you will need to complete the relevant sections on the online PDR system. Your Reviewer should set you a deadline for completion as they will need to read through your preparation thoroughly.

When completing your preparation sections you should review the following:

• Your job description

• For Academic Reviewees - The metrics which are prepopulated on the online PDR system. You may need to write an additional commentary to support these. Any discrepancies should be amended in the original system, such as LUPIN.

• Your key achievements for the year; what did you do? How did you do it? and what did you learn from it?

• Your training and development record. How have you developed over the last year? Have you been able to apply your training to your job?

It is also recommended that Reviewees

• Gather feedback on their performance from any relevant sources.


It's important that firstly you review the objectives from your previous PDR. Which have you met? And for those you have not met, what were the reasons for this?

In addition, you should also start to consider what you think your priorities might be for the following year, and any development you think you might need. Take your ideas to your PDR meeting where your Reviewer will help you identify some SMART objectives.

• Specific – this relates to you; provides you with real clarity.

• Measurable – how will you know when it has been achieved? List the success indicators.

• Achievable – stretching but fair, within your capability.

• Relevant – appropriate to the situation and environment.

• Time-bound – what is the deadline for you achieving this?


Your PDR can be a great opportunity to pass on any feedback to your Reviewer. Ask yourself the following questions to help you think through the feedback you want to give:  

  • What is working well? (Consider the team or organisational culture, systems, procedures, etc.) 

  • Suggest and explore better ways of working.  

If your reviewer is your line manager, it will be appropriate to consider feedback you have for them (both positive and constructive if appropriate). You might want to discuss what your manager or colleagues could do differently to help improve your performance? Use specific examples, if possible.  

In addition to following the steps above it is also recommended that you carefully read through the 'about PDR' section on this website. This will ensure you are up to date with the PDR process.

Guidance for Reviewees

Your PDR can be a great opportunity to pass on any feedback to your Reviewer. Ask yourself the following questions to help you think through the feedback you want to give:

• What is working well? (Consider the team or organisational culture, systems, procedures, etc.)

• Suggest and explore better ways of working.

If your reviewer is your line manager, it will be appropriate to consider feedback you have for them (both positive and constructive if appropriate). You might want to discuss what your manager or colleagues could do differently to help improve your performance? Use specific examples, if possible.

Please ensure that your conversations with reviewers are in line with the University's REF Code of Practice which reads as follows:

"The University legitimately uses output quality assessment in recruitment, probation, reward and promotion processes as well as in the annual performance and development review (PDR) exercise. The scoring element of output quality assessment is also used to support output selection for REF but the University is clear that matters specifically associated with REF will not be used in recruitment, probation, reward, promotion, PDR or other related processes. Such matters include whether an individual has been submitted to the REF and the number of REF outputs associated in any way with an individual."

The videos and documents below can also be used to help with your preparation.

Hear what members of staff have to say about their PDR meetings and how they prepare.