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Understanding racial terms

As the University works towards progressing race equality, more discussions about race and racism and the impact it has on both the staff and student experience at Loughborough are being had.

For these discussions to be productive and respectful interactions, it is important to understand the terminology relating to race equality. Terms such as ‘white privilege’, ‘anti-racism’ and ‘microaggression’ can seem like abstract concepts in a conversation about race equality if someone is not aware of what they mean and how they impact race relations.

So to aid understanding, and to further these pertinent conversations, Delta Alpha Psi has put together a glossary of racial terms. The glossary provides a concise definition of racial terminology and contextualises each one by describing why and how the phrase is important to race equality today. Staff and students are encouraged to make use of this resource available

If you would like more information on the University’s work on the Race Equality Charter, please visit the dedicated webpage.
