The Charter

Royal Charter granted to the University in 1966

(Version effective from 12 February 2020)


by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith:


WHEREAS an humble Petition has been presented unto us by the Governors of "The Loughborough College of Technology Registered" praying that We should constitute and found a University at Loughborough in Our County of Leicester for the advancement of learning and knowledge and for the furtherance and extension of the objects for which the Loughborough College of Technology was established by a Declaration of Trust dated the twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and fifty-three under the hand and seal of Sir Harold West, as varied by a Deed supplemental thereto dated the tenth day of December, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-two under the seal of the Governors of the Loughborough College of Technology Registered, to whom a Certificate of Incorporation under the Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act, 1872, had been granted by the Minister of Education on the sixth day of November, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven, and grant a Charter with such provisions in that behalf as shall seem to Us right and suitable:

AND WHEREAS We have taken the said Petition into Our Royal Consideration and are minded to accede thereto:

NOW THEREFORE Know Ye that We by virtue of Our Prerogative Royal and of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion have willed and ordained and by these Presents do for Us, Our Heirs and Successors will and ordain as follows:


The members for the time being of the Council, the Senate, and the University Staff, the Graduates of the University, the Graduate and Undergraduate Students of the University, the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellors, the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the Honorary Treasurer and the Deans of the Faculties or Schools of the University for the time being, and all others who shall pursuant to this Our Charter and the Statutes of the University for the time being be Members of the University are hereby constituted and from henceforth for ever shall be one body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and a Common Seal by the name and style of "The 探花精选" (in this Our Charter called "The University").


The objects of the University shall be to advance knowledge, wisdom, understanding and professional competence, through teaching, research and collaboration with industrial and other bodies, and to develop the character of its students by virtue of its corporate life.


The University shall be a teaching, research and an examining body and shall subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes, have the following powers:

  1. To prescribe in the Statutes or Ordinances the conditions under which persons may be admitted to the University or to any particular course of study (which expression shall, for the purposes of this Our Charter, include research) provided by the University.
  2. To provide instruction in such branches of learning as the University may think fit and to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in such manner as the University may determine.
  3. To confer and grant under conditions prescribed in the Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations, Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other academic distinctions on and to persons who shall have pursued for a prescribed period a course of study approved by the University and shall have passed the examinations or other tests prescribed by the University.
  4. To confer and grant under conditions prescribed in the Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations, Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other academic distinctions in conjunction with other institutions on and to persons who shall have pursued for a prescribed period a course of study approved by the University and shall have passed the examinations or other tests prescribed by the University, including dual and joint awards.
  5. To confer Degrees on any persons who hold office in the University as Professors, Readers, Lecturers or otherwise, or who shall have carried on research under conditions prescribed in the Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations.
  6. To confer Honorary Degrees and other distinctions on approved persons; provided that all Honorary Degrees and other distinctions so conferred shall be conferred and held subject to any provisions which are or may be made in reference thereto by the Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations.
  7. On what the University shall deem to be good cause, to deprive persons of any Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates or other distinction conferred on or granted to them by the University.
  8. To prescribe rules for the discipline of the Students of the University.
  9. To provide such courses of lectures and other instruction for persons not being members of the University as the University may determine and to grant Diplomas and Certificates to such persons.
  10. To accept the examinations passed and periods of study spent by Students of the University at other Universities or other places, including the Loughborough College of Technology, as equivalent to such examinations and periods of study at the University as the University may determine and to withdraw such acceptance at any time.
  11. To affiliate other institutions or branches or departments thereof, to recognise selected members of the staffs thereof as teachers of the University, to admit the members thereof to any of the privileges of the University and to accept attendance at courses of study in such institutions or branches or departments thereof in place of such part of the attendance at courses of study at the University upon such terms and conditions and subject to such regulations as may from time to time be determined by the University.
  12. To aid, examine and inspect colleges, schools and other educational institutions and to co-operate with other University authorities for the conduct of examinations, for the inspection and examination of colleges, schools and other educational institutions and for such other purposes as the University may determine.
  13. To institute Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships and any other such offices required by the University, to appoint persons to and remove them from such offices, and to prescribe their conditions of service.
  14. To institute such administrative offices as may be required by the University and to appoint persons to and remove them from such offices, and to prescribe their conditions of service.
  15. To institute and award Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Exhibitions, Bursaries and Prizes, and other aids to study and research.
  16. To establish and maintain and to administer and govern Halls of Residence and other institutions for the residence of Students of the University and to supervise such Halls of Residence and other institutions and to license and supervise other places of residence, whether or not maintained by the University.
  17. To make provision for research, design, development and advisory services and with these objects to enter into such arrangements with other institutions, companies, organisations or bodies as may be thought desirable.
  18. To provide for the printing and publication of research, educational and other works which may be issued by the University.
  19. To demand and receive fees.
  20. To take such steps as may from time to time be deemed expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the University, and to raise money in such other manner as the University may deem fit.
  21. To obtain through Our College of Arms a grant of armorial bearings, which shall be duly recorded in Our said College.
  22. To maintain, manage, administer, dispose of and, save as hereinafter provided, to invest all the property, money, assets and rights of the University and to enter into engagements and to accept obligations and liabilities in all respects without any restriction whatsoever and in the same manner as an individual may manage his/her own affairs.
  23. To provide, for reward or otherwise, such goods and services for Members of the University and their families and guests as may be deemed expedient and consistent with the objects of the University as a place of education and learning.
  24. To act as trustees or managers of any property, legacy, endowment, bequest or gift for the purposes of education or research or otherwise for the furtherance of the work and welfare of the University and to invest any funds representing the same in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes.
  25. To enter into an agreement with the Loughborough College of Technology for the incorporation of that College in the University and for taking over all or any part of its property, rights, privileges and liabilities and if necessary to promote a Bill in Parliament to confirm or carry out any such agreement.
  26. To enter into any agreement for the incorporation within the University of any other institution and for taking over all or any part of its property, rights, privileges and liabilities and for any other purpose not repugnant to this Our Charter.
  27. To give guarantees to building societies, whether in pursuance of continuing arrangements or not.
  28. To do all such other acts and things, whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be requisite in order to further the objects of the University.


  1. There shall be a Visitor of the University who shall have the right from time to time and in such manner as he/she shall think fit to direct an inspection of the University, its buildings, laboratories and general equipment and also an enquiry into the teaching, research, examinations and other work done by the University. These powers of the Visitor shall not, however, extend to investigation of any matters of concern raised by student members of the University.
  2. The Visitor shall be appointed by Us, Our Heirs or Successors in Council on the representation of the Council of the University for such period as We, Our Heirs or Successors shall see fit.


There shall be a Chancellor of the University who shall be the Chief Ambassador of the University and shall preside over ceremonial functions.


  1. There shall be a Senior Pro-Chancellor of the University, and there may be other Pro-Chancellors of the University not exceeding two in number. The Senior Pro-Chancellor shall be the ex officio Chair of the Council.
  2. In the absence of the Chancellor or during a vacancy in the office of Chancellor, the Senior Pro-Chancellor shall, subject to the Statutes, exercise all the functions of the Chancellor; and in the absence of the Senior Pro-Chancellor, a Pro-Chancellor designated by the Council shall so act.


There shall be a Vice-Chancellor of the University who shall be the principal Academic and Administrative Officer of the University and ex-officio Chair of the Senate and who shall in the absence of the Chancellor or during a vacancy in the office of Chancellor confer Degrees.


The first Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor shall be the persons named in the First Schedule to this Our Charter.


There shall be a Deputy Vice-Chancellor and there may be other Pro-Vice-Chancellors not exceeding five in number, with functions and duties as may be prescribed by the Council from time to time.


There shall be an Honorary Treasurer of the University, and such other Officers of the University as the Council may from time to time deem necessary.


  1. There shall be a Council of the University (in this Our Charter called "the Council") which shall, subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes, be the Governing Body of the University.
  2. The Council shall have the custody and use of the Common Seal.
  3. The Council shall be responsible for the management and administration of the revenue and property of the University and, except as may otherwise be provided in this Our Charter, shall have general control over the University and all its affairs, purposes and functions and shall have all such other powers and duties as may be conferred upon it by the Statutes or Ordinances.


There shall be a Senate of the University (in this Our Charter called "the Senate") which shall, subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes and to the general control and approval of the Council, be responsible for the academic work of the University, both in teaching and in research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education and discipline of the Students of the University.


There shall be a General Assembly of the University (hereinafter called "the General Assembly").


  1. There may be Faculties and/or Schools established by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate.


There shall be a Students' Union of the University.


  1. Subject to the provisions of this Our Charter, Statutes may prescribe or regulate as the case may be:
    1. The status, appointment and continuance in office of the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellors, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Honorary Treasurer, Deans of Faculties and/or Schools and other Officers of the University.
    2. The constitution, powers, duties and functions (as the case may be) of the Council, the Senate, and the General Assembly.
    3. All such other matters as the Council may deem fit and meet with respect to or for the governing of the University, its Members and constituent parts, or otherwise for the promotion of the objects of this Our Charter.
  2. The Statutes set out in the Second Schedule to this Our Charter shall be the first Statutes of the University and shall remain in force until they have been added to, amended or repealed in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
  3. The Council may by Special Resolution make Statutes for the University adding to, amending or repealing the Statutes for the time being in force; provided that such Statutes shall not be repugnant to the provisions of this Our Charter; and provided further that no such Statutes shall have effect until approved by the Lords of Our Most Honourable Privy Council, of which approval a Certificate under the hand of the Clerk of Our said Privy Council shall be conclusive evidence. No such Statute shall be submitted to the Lords of Our said Privy Council unless reasonable notice of the proposed Statute shall have been given to the Senate and to the General Assembly before the first meeting of the Council at which the resolution to make the Statute is proposed to be considered, and the Council shall consider any recommendation of the Senate and of the General Assembly.


  1. The Statutes may direct that any of the matters prescribed or regulated by Statute as authorised or directed in this Our Charter shall be further prescribed or regulated by ordinance; provided that any such further prescription or regulation shall not be repugnant to the provisions of the Statutes or of this Our Charter.
  2. Ordinances shall be made by resolution of the Council and shall have effect when such resolution has been confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Council held not less than one calendar month after the meeting at which the resolution was first passed; provided that in cases certified to be urgent by a vote of not less than three-fourths of the members of the Council present and voting at a meeting of the Council, Ordinances may be made and shall have immediate effect, but -
    (a) shall cease to have effect if within six calendar months a motion to confirm the resolution is rejected by the Council, or
    (b) shall lapse at the expiration of six calendar months unless previously confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Council;
    and provided further that Ordinances dealing with courses of study, the conditions of award of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, examinations, the powers and duties of the Senate, the appointment of academic staff, the affiliation of other institutions and the recognition of teachers shall not be made, added to, amended or repealed except on the recommendation of the Senate.
  3. Council may add to, amend or repeal Ordinances from time to time in force.


Subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes, the Council and the Senate respectively may from time to time make Regulations for governing their proceedings, and the power to make Regulations shall include the power to add to, amend or repeal any Regulations theretofore made.


  1. It shall be the duty of the Council to refer to the Senate any matter coming before the Council which the Council considers to have academic implications and which has not been previously considered by the Senate.
  2. It shall be the duty of the Senate to bring before the Council any matter coming before the Senate which the Senate considers to have financial implications or to affect the general well-being of the University or its relationship with persons and bodies outside the University.


The University shall show no discrimination against any person in determining whether he/she is to be admitted as a Member of the University, or permitted to graduate or to hold any other advantage or privilege of the University on account of political belief, social background or in relation to any of the protected characteristics established in equalities legislation.


  1. The Council may at any time add to, amend or repeal this Our Charter by a Special Resolution in that behalf and such addition, amendment or repeal shall, when allowed by Us, Our Heirs or Successors in Council, become effectual so that this Our Charter shall thenceforward continue and operate as so added to, amended or repealed.
  2. This Article shall apply to this Our Charter as added to, amended or repealed in manner aforesaid.


For the purposes of this Our Charter, a "Special Resolution" means a Resolution passed at one meeting of the Council and confirmed at a subsequent meeting held not less than one calendar month nor more than four calendar months after the former; provided that notice of each meeting shall be given to each member of the Council not less than fourteen days before the meeting be held, and that the Resolution be passed at each meeting by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the members of the Council present and voting.


Our Royal Will and Pleasure is that this Our Charter shall ever be construed benevolently and in every case most favourably to the University and the promotion of the objects of this Our Charter.

IN WITNESS whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.

WITNESS Ourself at Westminster the nineteenth day of April in the fifteenth year of Our Reign.

BY WARRANT under the Queen's Sign Manual.

Note: Amendments allowed by Her Majesty the Queen in Council on 7 April 1982, 24 April 1996, 31 October 2001, 8 May 2003, 9 December 2009 and 12 February 2020 are embodied in the Charter, and are indicated respectively by *, †, $, >, % and &.

The First Schedule


  1. The first Chancellor shall be Sir Harry Pilkington, Knight.
  2. The first Vice-Chancellor shall be Herbert Leslie Haslegrave, Esquire, Wh.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Prod.E.

The Second Schedule

