Addressing the Race Pay Gap

Closing the race pay gap is a long-term commitment. 

What are we doing

Recruitment and Retention

An ongoing review into all recruitment continues with changes made to improve the way in which racialised minority candidates are attracted and recruited into the University. Actions include; 

  • Job adverts and job descriptions contain an EDI statement. 
  • Recruiting Managers guidance. A focus on inclusivity when writing job adverts and job descriptions, advice on broadening job appeal to wider demographics, reducing racial bias, as well as how to increase diversity and reach e.g. careers events, open days for underrepresented groups, community centres etc.
  • Unconscious bias training is provided for all selection panels and senior leadership teams. Belonging and Inclusion is a mandatory part of the Induction process for all starters.
  • A pilot took place to consider including a pass/fail question into the recruitment process specific to equity diversity and inclusion. The pilot was trialled in HR and guidance is being developed for panels.
  • As part of the aim to increase racialised minority recruitment in academic roles and grades 7+, positive action was taken in the most recent RTE recruitment campaign to encourage applications from racialised minority candidates.

Reward and Recognition

  • A revised market supplement procedure has been produced and will be presented to Ops Committee in February 2024.
  • A review of reward arrangements has been conducted and a reward scheme produced to support greater transparency, consistency and fairness across staff groups receiving bonuses. 
  • In 2024 there will be a review of starting salaries to consider the impact and effectiveness of new joiner pay negotiations. 
  • There is an annual review of Grade 9 academic pay assessing against UCEA data and making market and equity adjustments as appropriate. 

Staff Development

We are committed to the Race Equality Charter, which aims to improve the representation, progression and success of all minority ethnic staff and students within the University.

In May 2022 ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ was awarded the Race Equality Charter Bronze  Award.
The Executive appointment processes (including sub- panels) includes race diversity as well as gender diversity across members.

Work is underway to develop a single academic job family (combining RTE and SSA). This will include developing pathways for education and student experience, and research and innovation to enable those currently in the SSA job family to apply for merit-based promotion. 

The criteria and processes for academic promotions have been reviewed through extensive consultation and received Senate approval in late 2023. A key driver for the changes is improving Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

The Performance and Development Review (PDR) process has been reviewed and career development and progression discussions are embedded in the process. This will provide an opportunity for racialised minority staff and their managers to proactively to discuss career development and identify hidden barriers.

Committees and Networks

The Nominations Committee, which develops a pipeline of candidates for Council and its Sub-Committees, is committed to diversifying membership as positions become available. By 2024/2025 there is commitment for membership to be 40% female and 15% from racialised minority categories.

REACH Staff Network (formally BAME Staff Network): The main purpose of the network is to raise awareness of race issues and to hold the University accountable to its stated commitment to challenge racism and discrimination.

The Network also provides a safe environment for black and ethnic minority staff to discuss issues concerning racial and cultural discrimination and maintain a forum for positively raising the profile of black and ethnic minority cultures on campus.

Staff network executive sponsors from both the Academic Leadership and Professional Services Leadership Team

Other Actions 

The suite of HR policies and procedures continues to be reviewed in 2024 with a focus on those which impact the working lives of our staff.

A review of the Reward and Recognition Framework will take place in 2024-2025 with a focus on inclusivity.

Dynamic working is embedded across the University which supports people to work more flexibly and to blend work and home life more effectively.