
Centre for Productivity and Performance


Dr Christopher Wilson Pronouns: He/him BSc (Warwick), MSc (York), PhD (UEA)

Photo of Dr Christopher Wilson

Senior Lecturer of Economics

Industrial economics; consumer behaviour

Chris Wilson is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the School of Business and Economics at 探花精选.

Chris’s research spans industrial organisation and behavioural economics, with particular interests in consumer information, consumer switching, advertising, and pricing. He has published in journals such as the RAND Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, and European Economic Review. Chris has presented at numerous international conferences and several governmental departments, while also completing a number of consultancy projects.

Finally, Chris is an enthusiastic teacher, having won several University- and School-level awards. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and serves at the national-level as an Associate of the Economics Network. Chris has also published on some topics in teaching.


Chris’s research focusses on the following inter-related topics:

1. Consumers’ information search activity

2. Consumers’ switching decisions and purchasing behaviour

3. Businesses’ pricing and advertising decisions

4. Consumer protection policy and competition policy

  • “Being in the Right Place: A Natural Field Experiment on the Causes of Position Effects and Individual Choice” (2022) with Marco Novarese and Mark Harris, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol.194, p.24-40

  • “A Generalized Model of Advertised Sales” (2021) with Sandro Shelegia, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics vol.13(1), p.195-223
  • “False Advertising” (2018) with Andrew Rhodes, RAND Journal of Economics, vol.49, p.348-369 
  • "Default Effects, Transaction Costs and Imperfect Information" (2013) with Luke Garrod and Alistair Munro, Economics Letters, vol. 119(2) p.213-215 
  • “Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs” (2012) European Economic Review, vol. 56(6), p.1070-1086 
  • “Do Consumers Switch to the Best Supplier?” (2010) with Catherine Waddams Price, Oxford Economic Papers, vol.62 p.647-668. Reprinted in “Competition and Regulation in Electricity Markets” (2016), S. Eyre and M.G. Pollitt (Eds.), Elgar
  • “Ordered Search and Equilibrium Obfuscation” (2010) International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.28 p.496-506