High-pressure electrical and thermal properties in MnSi

  • 17 November 2021
  • 11:00-12:00
  • DAV.1.108

Speaker: Dr Anna Kusmartseva (探花精选)

Title: High-pressure electrical and thermal properties in MnSi

Abstract: I will present my recent findings on the electrical and thermal transport in non-centrosymmetric, itinerant ferromanget MnSi in the pressure range 1 – 11GPa. MnSi is a well-established strongly correlated material, with unconventional magnetic and electrical properties at low temperatures. Most notable examples of these are the magnetic field induced topological skyrmion phase and the associated Non-Fermi Liquid behaviour at low temperatures. The ferromagnetic transition in this material is suppressed at a critical pressure Pc~1.46GPa. Present work explores the behaviour of the electrical and thermal transports in MnSi at pressures far above the critical pressure. The results show a new characteristic pressure scale Pc2~4GPa where subtle changes arise both in electrical and heat conduction. The data may be interpreted through subtle deformations in the Fermi surface, that could indicate a change in the skyrmion topology.


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