Lara Pearson

Information Technology Management for Business

Loughborough ranked highly after my research but what solidified my choice was when I visited campus on an open day.

What attracted you to 探花精选?

Once I’d decided that I wanted to do a course that was a mixture of Computer Science and Business, I researched the universities that were highest in the Computer Science rankings and did some independent research into the student satisfaction, modules, and extra-curricular opportunities. Loughborough ranked highly after my research but what solidified my choice was when I visited campus on an open day. I got to meet some of the lecturers and students, who were all so helpful and friendly, and I knew that this was somewhere I could call home for the next 4 years.

What do you enjoy the most about your course?

I’d have to say the people, we’re quite a close-knit group where we challenge each other to try new things and work harder – both in the bi-annual competitions and the degree itself. I’ve made some of my closest friends on my course and my experience wouldn’t have been the same without them.

What do you think of the teaching quality and facilities?

The lecturers teach you from the ground up, not expecting you to have any prior knowledge – this not only helps people that haven’t studied Computer Science before, but also ensures that everyone has a solid understanding of the basics. We also have an open-door policy, that means you can go speak to any lecturer whenever you want – this is normally for help with certain modules, but can also be about general questions It’s amazing the amount they know and the passion they have for specific research areas!

Do you have a particular favourite project/module on your course?

We had a module in second year called ‘Team Projects’ where we were set a brief and worked in teams to develop a system for a client. Although it was our most time-intensive module and there were a couple of bumps in the road, I look back at it as my favourite module because it taught me lots of useful skills for the work environment, including teamwork, time management and development skills. It’s also a great example to use in interviews!

Tell us about the support have you received from your department and/or the University?

Every student is assigned a lecturer as a personal tutor and have regular meetings to check in on how you’re finding the course, settling into your accommodation and anything in between. You’re also matched up with a student from second or third year as your Peer Mentor to help with any questions you want a student opinion on or anything you don’t want to discuss with your Personal Tutor.

Have you completed a placement year whilst at University?

I completed a placement year at Procter & Gamble as an IT Project Manager, in their Workplace Services department – who are responsible for facilities, real estate and employee IT. I was given a wide variety of projects, and I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge from my degree and the skills gained from my coursework, extra-curriculars and team projects.

What is your favourite thing about being a Loughborough student?

The amount of opportunities that are available – from support starting your own business, to the best sports facilities at any university in the world – you can try out anything at Loughborough and make lots of friends too! The campus is definitely my home away from home. Everyone is extremely friendly and helpful when you don’t know where something is (it is a 440-acre campus after all!).

What would you say to someone considering your course?

Go for it! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here, there’s lots of extra things to get involved in both in the department and as part of the Students’ Union. The modules give you a good breadth of knowledge which help you acclimatise to the world of work.