Dr Andy Stapley

MA (Hons), MEng (Hons), PhD

Pronouns: He/him
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Head of Department


Andy obtained his first degree (MEng, 1990) and PhD (1995) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge. He was then a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham until 1999 when he took a lectureship at Loughborough. He became a Senior Lecturer in 2007. He has held the posts of Overseas Admissions Tutor (2003-11), Admissions Tutor (2011-17), and Undergraduate Programme Director (2017-22), before becoming Head of Department in 2022.

His research interests are in the area of Food Processing, predominantly in drying and the processing of oils and fats. His current research focus is on monodisperse atomisation and imaging of droplets as they dry, and the oxidative stability of frying oils.


  • 1990 - MEng Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge – 1st class
  • 1995 – PhD Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge

Professional affiliations

  • Associate Member of the IChemE
  • Member of the Society of Chemical Industry
  • Member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology
  • Fellow of Advance HE

Outline of main research interests:

  • Optimisation of spray drying and spray freeze drying processes (encapsulation and energy efficiency)
  • Crystallisation and polymorphism of fats in food products
  • Oxidative stability of frying oils

PhD positions

PhD positions are available in the areas of drying kinetics; encapsulation by spray/freeze/spray-freeze drying; crystallisation of fats; oxidation of oils during frying. If you are interested to join the group, please contact me by email. 

Teaching responsibilities:

Module Leader for:

  • CGB020 Process Systems Engineering
  • CGB021 Food Engineering
  • CGC053 Process Economics and Project Management
  • CGD045 Individual Process Design Project
  • CGD046 Team Process Design Project
  • Contribute to:
  • CGB012 Mass Transfer and Separations
  • CGP062 Downstream Processing

Administrative responsibilities:

  • Head of Department (2022 onwards)

Selected publications:

  • Hishamuddin, E., Nagy, Z.K., Stapley, A.G.F. (2020) Thermodynamic analysis of the isothermal fractionation of palm oil using a novel method for entrainment correction. Journal of Food Engineering, 273.  
  • Stewart, D.I., Chong, P.S., Stapley, A.G.F. (2017) Investigation of the crystallization and melting of the tripalmitin/triolein system via hot stage microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and pulsed NMR, Crystal Growth and Design, 17(6), pp.3005-3016, ISSN: 1528-7483. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01621.  
  • Jaskulski, M, Atuonwu, JC, Tran, TTH, Stapley, A.G.F,.Tsotsas, E (2017) , Advanced Powder Technology, ISSN: 0921-8831. DOI: . 
  • Jones, JR, Prime, D, Leaper, MC, Richardson, DJ, Rielly, CD, Stapley, AGF (2013) , Journal of Food Engineering, 118(1), pp.19-30, ISSN: 0260-8774. DOI: . 
  • Anandharamakrishnan, C, Gimbun, J, Stapley, AGF, Rielly, CD (2010) , Drying Technology, 28(5), pp.566-576, DOI: . 
  • Himawan, C, Starov, VM, Stapley, AGF (2006) , Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 122(1-3), pp.3-33, ISSN: 0001-8686. DOI: . 

External collaborators:

  • Nestle PTC York
  • Bunge Loders Croklaan

External roles and appointments:

  • Subject Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of Transactions of the IChemE, Part C: Food and Bioproducts Processing (Institution of Chemical Engineers).
  • External examiner MSc Programmes, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham
  • Secretary of the Lipids Technical Interest Group of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
  • Committee member of the Food and Drink Special Interest Group of the IChemE.
  • Member of European Confederation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) Working Party on Drying.