Dr Yasir Ali


Pronouns: He/him
  • Senior Lecturer in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Research and expertise

My research interests lie primarily in traffic flow modelling, traffic safety, decision-making, and advanced data analysis techniques (e.g., mathematical modelling, econometrics, machine learning) in transport engineering and pavement materials.

Another aspect of my research is related to connected and automated vehicles, whereby my area of interest lies in modelling mixed traffic flow of traditional, connected, and automated vehicles, understanding the safety of mixed traffic, and interaction between these vehicles and vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists).

Current research activity 

  • A novel real-time risk assessment system for vulnerable road users at signalised intersections using Artificial Intelligence-based video analytics
  • Next-generation traffic signals using artificial intelligence-based video analytics for safe, efficient, and green intersections
  • Unifying traffic flow and traffic safety for safe and efficient roads

Recently completed research projects

  • Understanding the impact of autonomous vehicles on driving behaviour and traffic dynamics
  • Modelling the mixed traffic of connected, automated, and traditional vehicles

Recent publications

  • Ali, Y., Haque, M. M., Zheng, Z., & Afghari, A. P. (2022). A Bayesian correlated grouped random parameters duration model with heterogeneity in the means for understanding braking behaviour in a connected environment. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 35, 100221.
  • Ali, Y., Bliemer, M. C., Haque, M. M., & Zheng, Z. (2022). Examining braking behaviour during failed lane-changing attempts in a simulated connected environment with driving aids. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 136, 103531.
  • Ali, Y., Haque, M. M., & Zheng, Z. (2022). Assessing a Connected Environment's Safety Impact During Mandatory Lane-Changing: A Block Maxima Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.


I contribute to learning and teaching activities at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), the University of Queensland (UQ), COMSATS Institute of Technology, and the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) since 2012. The following descriptions cover the brief content of the courses and the roles of My involvement in these courses.


  • Transportation Engineering
  • Advanced Transport Modelling
  • Traffic Flow Theory and Analysis


  • Statistical and Optimisation Methods for Engineers
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Traffic Engineering


Current projects 

  • A novel real-time risk assessment system for vulnerable road users at signalised intersections using Artificial Intelligence-based video analytics
  • Safety evaluation of right-turn signal phasings at signalised intersections

Recently completed projects 

  • Field validation of automated traffic conflicts identified through advanced video analytics


I have a Bachelor鈥檚 in Civil Engineering, a Master鈥檚 in Transportation Engineering, and a PhD in Civil Engineering, with specialisation in Transportation Engineering. My PhD thesis focuses on investigating the effects of a novel connected vehicular environment on lane-changing decision-making behaviour.

I have worked as a research associate at the Institute of Transport and Logistic Studies, University of Sydney, and a research fellow at the Queensland University of Technology. My current research focuses on joint modelling of traffic flow and traffic safety.

Professional affiliations

  • Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012 – Present
  • Member, Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics (AHB45), Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, USA, 2018 – Present
  • Member, TRB ACP50-3 Subcommittee on Connected and Automated Traffic Flow, Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, USA, 2020 – Present
  • Member, Institute of Transport Engineers, 2019 – Present
  • Member, Engineers Australia, 2020 – Present
  • Member, Pakistan Engineering Council, 2012 – Present 


  • Best early career researcher award (2022)
  • Best paper award by Transportation Research Board (2022)
  • Best paper award by Accident Analysis and Prevention (2021)

External activities

  • Guest lectures at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell
  • Session chairs at IEEE conference on Connected Vehicle Systems and Traffic Flow Operations
  • Delivered a guest talk on connected vehicle systems in a dedicated section at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board

Key collaborators

My research and enterprise activities are conducted with a range of academic and stakeholder partners, including:

  • Transport and Mains Road, Queensland, Australia
  • iMOVE