Mr Max Lawrence-Griffiths

BSc (Hons)

Pronouns: He/him
  • Doctoral Researcher

Research groups and centres

Research and expertise

I am a starter doctoral researcher at Loughborough, having completed my BSc in Air Transport Management between 2019 and 2022. Throughout that time I excelled at utilising statistical tools to create models across a range of transport and logistic practices. This included but was not limited to time series modelling and multi-linear, binomial, and logistic regressions.

As part of my Part C dissertation I utilised these skills to holistically quantify the safety of Boeing 737 aircraft by assessing accident causes, interventions, location analysis, and severity modelling in a novel way to better comprehend, in an unbiased manner, how safety has evolved in the industry due to its rapid expansion since the 1970s.

My family and I have long and historical ties to the aviation industry, and I myself am a private pilot licence holder. It is this close link that has led to my passion for this area and has been reflected in my high grades across the entirety of my BSc, as well as my unwavering enthusiasm for new developments in this sector, particularly relating to a net-zero transition, which my PhD hopes to investigate.

Current research activity

  • Investigating diffusion of hydrogen and low carbon propulsion methods in the aviation industry to model future emission scenarios based on potential future route networks.
  • Performing a systematic review of emission forecasting methods in the aviation industry.

Recently completed research projects 

  • Quantitative assessment of Boeing 737 accidents.


The motive for choosing my PhD topic blossomed from my admiration for both aviation and the protection of the environment. Society often treats the idea of these concepts as if they cannot exist with one another however there is a clear ability for the aviation industry to become a green sector of the economy and reach carbon-neutral goals, as long as sufficient time and effort are dedicated to it.

Growing up on the island of Mallorca, Spain, I have seen the grim impacts of human activity on the environment first-hand through pollution and habitat destruction. I thus feel duty-bound to help aid society’s shift to sustainability before it becomes too late to do so.

Achieving this great societal shift is not an individual project, and my research is in fact a piece of the jigsaw puzzle, currently being worked on globally, to harness the ability for aviation and sustainable development to coexist together. 

My PhD gives me a springboard for a future career in a research-based field but also allows me to possess a period of time to reflect upon myself and increase my academic maturity by focusing in-depth on one specific area. I have often considered myself to be very knowledgeable in a large spectrum of subjects but have never felt that I have had the chance to concentrate on a single area to gain expertise until now. 

I also currently engage with external bodies such as East Midlands Airport and take part in their stakeholder reference group. This involves advising the airport with regards to their proposals to change aircraft routing in the Midlands region to better improve noise and local air pollution impacts for local inhabitants.

Professional Affiliations

  • Royal Aeronautical Society


  • Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Award
  • East Midlands Airport Award

External Activities

  • East Midlands Airport stakeholder reference group youth member (2022 – Present)
  • Part A and Part B course representative (2019 – 2022)
  • Private Pilot Licence holder
  • Royal Yachting Association Day Skipper Licence holder