Professor Marcus Enoch


Pronouns: He/him
  • Professor in Transport Strategy
  • Leader of the Transport and Urban Planning Group
  • Director of Architecture, Energy and Urban Planning

Research and expertise

My research interests focus on transport strategy. Specifically, I am interested about how a transport system impacted by governance, policy and broader contextual factors might change, and about how providers and Government might best respond. Particular areas of expertise include travel plans, car parking, road-based public transport systems, and transport systems at the macro level. Recently, I have developed these integrative threads to consider how emergent societal and technological transformations, such as ageing populations, driverless cars and Covid-19 may affect the future design and performance of transport systems.

Summary of expertise

During my time at Loughborough I have led 23 and participated in 30 research projects altogether valued at more than £2.6m for clients including the European Commission, the UK Government, the New Zealand Government, several UK local authorities, several transport operators, Innovate UK and the EPSRC. My current research/enterprise portfolio is worth just over £260,000.

In terms of outputs, over my career I have supervised 16 PhD students and 1 MPhil student to completion. My research publications amount to 2 research monographs; more than 70 academic journal articles; over 50 articles in professional journals; and 15 book chapters; along with the presentation of more than 120 conference papers. My work was submitted for the most recent Research Excellence Framework and its predecessor exercises by my School.

I have also been appointed to various policy influencing positions. Thus, I have recently explored Mobility as a Service and Taxi futures for the Government Office for Science Foresight Programme on Future Mobility, and was formerly the Strategy Director in the New Zealand Ministry of Transport involved in predicting public transport futures to generate recommendations for national policy. I was also previously the UK representative to the European Platform of Mobility Management, which influences EU policy makers as to the role of sustainable transport on behalf of Member States.

Current research projects 

  • CI for Shaping Loughborough – Using digital platforms to enhance community engagement in design coding to improve outcomes for new development in Loughborough, Urban Data Visualisation – The Town Observatory Loughborough, Seedcorn Funding, 2024-2025..
  • PI for Exploring future roles for Community Transport Schemes, PhD Studentship with the Community Transport Association, 2024-2027.

Recently completed research projects 

  • PI for NEW SURFACES (Novel Engineering Ways to Soften Urban Roads, Footways And Cars to Enhance Safety) Industry Needs and Technical Feasibility 探花精选, 探花精选 Sport, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Theme Seedcorn Funding, 2024.
  • PI for , Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Vectare, 2022-2024.
  • PI for Transport Assessment Carbon Reporting, Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership with The Oval Partnership, 2022-2023.
  • PI for Evaluating small-scale rail investment decisions in relation to passenger satisfaction, PhD project, CASE Award, EPSRC and Govia Thameslink Railway. 2016 – 2019.
  • PI for COUNTER (Computing train Occupants Using Novel sensing Techniques to Enhance Rail services), Innovate UK, 2018-2019.
  • PI for Public Transport 2045, New Zealand Ministry of Transport. 2015 – 2017.
  • PI for Colourful Crossings, Transport for London and Better Bankside BID. 2015 – 2017.
  • PI for Collaborative highway management to optimise best value, EPSRC Centre for Collaborative Engineering and Derby City Council. 2013 – 2017.

Current PhD students

  • Rashid M M – Bangladeshi Government Scholarship FT PhD Studentship. Smart highways in Less Developed Countries. Registered January 2020. Now at Imperial College London.
  • Alamah P – Self funded FT PhD Studentship. Smart supply chains. Registered October 2020.
  • Ghulman M – Saudi Government Scholarship FT PhD Studentship, Bus passenger satisfaction and bus service quality, Registered January 2022.
  • Otieno E – LU SABCE funded FT PhD Studentship investigating digital twins and road infrastructure. Registered October 2022.
  • Dhlamini S – WATER WISER FT PhD Studentship. Governance and innovation in sanitation. Registered July 2023.
  • Lyu L – China Scholarship Council Scholarship FT PhD Studentship. Modelling demand responsive highways systems. Registered October 2023.
  • Dawkins D – CTA funded FT PhD Studentship. Community Transport potential for the UK. Registered July 2024.

Recent publications

  • De Kremer S A, Ross T, Enoch M P and Monsuur F (2024) Factors affecting propensity to lift-share for children’s activities, Sustainability, in press.
  • Naqvi N, Quddus M A, and Enoch M P (2023) Modelling the effects of fuel price changes on road traffic collisions in the European Union using panel data, Accident Analysis and Prevention, in press.
  • Monsuur F, Enoch M P, Quddus M A and Meek S D (2023) Investigating the role of preference variation in the perceptions of railway passengers in Great Britain, Transportation, in press.
  • Enoch M P and Potter S (2023) MaaS (Mobility as a Service) Market Futures Explored, Transport Policy, 134, 31-40.
  • Taniguchi A, Enoch M P, Theofilatos A and Ieromonachou P (2022) Understanding acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles in Japan, UK, and Germany, Urban, Planning and Transport Research, in press.
  • Colak O, Morton C and Enoch M P (2022) Airport Business Models and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An exploration of the UK Case 探花精选, Journal of Air Transport Management, in press.
  • Luo M, Ma Z, Zhao W, Enoch M P and Chien S I (2021) An ex-post evaluation of the public acceptance of a license plate-based restriction policy: A case study of Xi’an, China, Transportation Research A, 155, 259-282.
  • Enoch M P, Palaiologou G, Ellis-Chadwick F, Morton C, Quddus M A and Rayner R (2021) When Covid-19 came to town: Measuring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on footfall on six high streets in England, Environment and Planning B, in press.
  • Enoch M P and Warren J P (2021) Ticketing artefacts and designing fare collection systems, Findings, 14 October, 
  • Monsuur F, Enoch M P, Quddus M A and Meek S D (2021) Modelling the impact of rail delays on passenger satisfaction, Transportation Research A, 152, 19-35.
  • Deligianni S P, Papadoulis A, Monsuur F, Quddus M A and Enoch M P (2021) Improving School Travel Plan Effectiveness through Enhanced Diagnostic Tools, Case Studies on Transport Policy, in press.
  • Murdan A P, Bucktowar V, Oree V, Enoch M P (2020) A low-cost Bus Seating Information Technology (BusSIT) system, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(10), 1303-1310.
  • Enoch M P and Warren J P (2020) Looking through a windscreen: Managing the future of automobility, Applied Mobilities, in press.
  • Enoch M P, Cross R, Potter N, Davidson C, Taylor S, Brown R, Huang H, Parsons J, Tucker S, Wynne E, Grieg D, Campbell G, Jackson A and Potter S (2020) Future local passenger transport system scenarios and implications for policy and practice, Transport Policy, 90, 52-67.
  • Naqvi N, Quddus M A, and Enoch M P (2019) Do Higher Fuel Prices Help Reduce Road Traffic Accidents? Accident Analysis and Prevention, in press.
  • Burchell J, Ison S G, Enoch M P and Budd L C S (2019) Implementation of the workplace parking levy as a transport policy instrument, Journal of Transport Geography, in press.
  • Quddus M A, Rahman F, Monsuur F, de Ona J, Enoch M P (2019) Analyzing bus passengers’ satisfaction in Dhaka using Discrete Choice Models, Transportation Research Record, 2673(2), 758–768.


I contribute to undergraduate learning and teaching activities across the School.

Specifically, I:

  • Lead the Planning Policy and People module
  • Lead the Contemporary Planning module
  • Teach on the Future Cities, Transport Infrastructure Engineering, Smart Cities and Professional Practice modules
  • Tutor students undertaking their placement years
  • Supervise final year undergraduate and taught postgraduate dissertations
  • Supervise personal tutees


Current projects 

  • PI for Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with The Oval Partnership, 2022-2024. Also see for more information.

Recently completed projects

  • PI for , Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Vectare, 2022-2024.
  • PI for Transport Assessment Carbon Reporting, Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership with The Oval Partnership, 2022-2023.
  • PI for NEW SURFACES (Novel Engineering Ways to Soften Urban Roads, Footways And Cars to Enhance Safety), Rees Jeffreys Road Fund 150th Anniversary Competition Grant Winner, 2021-2022, £5,000.
  • PI for Travel Plan Project, for Loughborough Schools Foundation, 2018-2019
  • PI for Bus CONTROLS (Capturing Operationally Needed Trip data via Remote On-Line Sensors), Mauritian Research Council, 2018-2019.
  • PI for Potential Futures for Taxis and PHVs, Government Office for Science, Foresight Programme on Future Mobility, 2018.
  • PI for Potential Futures for Mobility as a Service, Government Office for Science, Foresight Programme on Future Mobility, 2017.

I graduated from the University of Nottingham with a BEng in Civil Engineering in 1993 and then attended the Institute of Transport Studies at the University of Leeds, where I graduated with an MSc in Transport Planning and Engineering in 1994.

Subsequently, I undertook my PhD at the Open University (1994-1998), on the subject of Bus-based best-practice and urban transport emissions, and then was a news and features writer for Local Transport Today for 18 months. After four years as a research fellow back at the Open University, I joined 探花精选 as a lecturer in Transport Studies in January 2003 and was promoted to be a Professor of Transport Strategy in April 2017. Consequently, I have been active as a researcher in the transport sector now for almost 30 years and have been teaching for more than 20 years.

Overall my strengths comprise strategic thinking, thought leadership and idea generation, project design and development, the capacity to synthesise data from a range of sources to generate new insights, and the ability to bridge the knowledge gap between academics and practitioners. Such skills are especially important in the sector, given that transport is governed by its (rapidly changing) societal context, and the strong empirical focus of the discipline.  

Membership of Professional Institutions

  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
  • Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
  • Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
  • Member of the Transport Planning Society
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Current Academic Citizenship Roles

  • Member of the International Board of Directors of the Transportation Demand Management Institute, USA. 
  • External Examiner for the MSc in Transport Planning, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield

I have examined 20 PhDs – 9 external (3 international)


  • Principal Investigator for NEW SURFACES, Winner of a £5,000 prize from the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund 150th Anniversary Competition, 2021-2022.
  • Principal Investigator of the TRAVEL PLAN PLUS Project. Winner of the European Platform on Mobility Management Award for Best Policy Transfer Project 2012. Presented at the European Conference on Mobility Management, Frankfurt, 12-14 June 2012.
  • In addition, two of my PhD students have won the Smeed Prize for best student paper at the Universities Transport Studies Group Conference (2012 and 2019), and three more have been runners-up (2010, 2012, and 2020).

Key collaborators

  • Open University
  • University of Mauritius
  • Go Ahead Group
  • The Oval Partnership
  • Vectare
  • BlockDox
  • UK Department for Transport
  • UK Government Office for Science
  • New Zealand Ministry of Transport