
Exemptions to Information which must be supplied on request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

There are 23 exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, that may mean we are not able to disclose the information you have requested. This page lists those that are relevant to 探花精选.

There are two types of Exemption: Absolute, and Non-Absolute.

Non-Absolute Exemptions require a Public Interest Test. This is where we must decide whether it is in the public interest to disclose the sensitive information or to withhold it.

Only in cases where it is considered to be in the public interest to withhold the information will we refuse to disclose. Where possible we will explain our reasons and refer to the particular exemption in such cases where we refuse access to information.

Absolute Exemptions – public interest test does not apply:

Section of the FOI ActExemption

S(2) 21

Information accessible by other means (e.g. in the Publication Scheme)

S(2) 23

Information supplied by, or relating to, bodies dealing with security matters

S(2) 32

Court records, and information held in relation to court proceedings

S(2) 36

Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs

S(2) 40

Personal information – available under Data Protection Act

S(2) 41

Information provided in confidence

S(2) 44

Information whereby disclosure is prohibited by an enactment or would constitute contempt of court


Non-absolute Exemptions – public interest test does apply:

Section of the FOI ActExemption

S(2) 22

Information intended for future publication

S(2) 30

Investigations & proceedings conducted by public authorities

S(2) 31

Law enforcement

S(2) 36

Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs

S(2) 38

Health & Safety

S(2) 39

Environmental information

S(2) 40

Personal information relating to a third party

S(2) 42

Legal professional privilege

S(2) 43

Commercial interests

For a full list of exemptions view .

For further guidance on the application of these exemptions refer to the .

Page content updated 18-10-17