Matthew Raw - Handicrafts Artist in Residence 2020/21

International ceramic artist Matthew Raw has been commissioned to produce a new public artwork for the fa莽ade of the former School of Art building.

Matthew Raw is an international ceramic artist who explores the physical and communicative properties of the ceramic tile. He uses textures, colours and language to tell stories of people and place. 

As part of his Handicrafts Residency, Matthew is creating a ceramic mural for the exteriof of The Generator building on Frederick Street in Loughborough town centre. This building was formerly the School of the Arts and is part of a major regeneration project to turn it into a creative hub for the town with workspaces for creative industries, a new home for Charnwood Arts, a cafe and multimedia arts space for performances and exhibitions. Matthew is researching traditional signs on British Arts Schools to inspire his mural as well as collecting stories and memories of the building to inform the content of the piece. 

The finished mural will be installed on the façade of The Generator by the end of 2021. 

You can find out more about The Generator project . 

During July, Matthew gave an online artist talk for us where he introduced his practice and discussed this project. He also ran a number of one-off ceramics workshops where he showed participants how to use techniques that he will employ in creating his mural - rolling and joining 'slabs' of clay - to make their own personalised letter tiles. 

We will continue to update this page as the project progresses. 

About Matthew Raw 

Matthew studied at the Royal College of Art and in 2015 he completed the prestigious ceramics residency at the Victoria and Albert Museum as well as winning a Jerwood Makers Award in 2014. You can view Matthew's work on his Instagram page . 

The former School of Art building in Loughborough town centre

Images from ceramics workshops (July 2021)